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"The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos

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"The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies." — Napoleon Bonaparte

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

      THE THUMPING OF my head was a physical retribution of my guilty indulgences of the night prior. The morning light of my room made its way into my eyes as they fluttered open. There is the white ceiling and the gorgeous gold chandelier that hung above as I lay there in bed confused...utterly confused.

I sit up holding myself up with my hands and looking around the room only to catch the hazel eyes of Ava as she raises her brows in surprise. She sat on the cushioned chair located in the right side of my room. Her dark brown hair was messily pulled into a bun. Was she hung over too?

"Thank the Moon goddess, you're awake." She says walking over to the corner of my bed.

"Ava, what happened last night? We were at Icebreaker's and then-"

I cut myself off as the echoes of my own voice remind me of the same echoes that protruded through the entire club last night with a proclamation not meant for the ears of the public.

"Oh my God," I whispered sliding my hands against my face in both frustration and fear. "I just—"

"Brielle, it's okay. Everything will be under control. Alpha King Legend will—"

"What! Don't tell me he knows?"

Ava gives me a sympathetic frown. "Brielle, you mistakenly revealed to the whole club that their Alpha King has found their next queen...everyone knows."

I remove my hands from my face and look up at the brunette with mortified eyes. My lips trembled as I began think about the extent to what everyone contained.


Ava nods her head slowly. "As of this morning every news outlet, magazine, and media platform has reported on it. Of course, it is being defined as speculation at this point."

"I created a spectacle that not only could get me in trouble with our leadership but just cost me my career...Jusco will remove me from the feature! Hell...I'm probably already fired. My new occupation will be as a criminal because I'll be charged with blasphemy against an Alpha!"

Law B05, also known as the Blasphemy clause, was a law that was implemented 2 decades ago as a preventative measure to what had conspired with Former Alpha King Lexis and the rumors fueled by the former union capital pertaining to his first mate. He was falsely accused of killing her though untrue these rumors were harmful to society as they stigmatized Alpha males causing many to fear their own mates.

This law states that rumors that can be categorized as detrimental to the establishment of the sovereignty and are untrue will lead to the persecution of the individual in which the rumors started from.

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