♔10. FERAL

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"He who reigns within himself and rules passions, desires, and fears is more than a king

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"He who reigns within himself and rules passions, desires, and fears is more than a king." - John Milton

L e g e n d B l a d e

MY FINGERS WERE wrapped tightly around the pen in my hands. It swirled around the paper forming words until the very last sentence. I eyed the letter on my desk before putting down the pen. Soon, it would be Legion's eyes that would read my words.

Dear Legion,

It has been years since we have last seen each other. I sent out guards to find your location, but whenever they return all I am given is utter disappointment. You're in hiding...I know...but I feel you should no longer be. You should no longer be guided by the needs of your own envy.

Legion, my dear twin, I beg of you to return to the pack and promise allegiance to your dear brother and help me oversee my duties. I know me acquiring the title of Alpha King has you angered but that should not succeed the obligation you have to me and your people.

Mother and father have traveled across the world but that does not mean they don't know of our estranged relations. I can already feel  father's shame. Legion, I have the weight of the world on my shoulders and the pressure of my duty on my daunting conscious; I no longer want to endure the added weight of the whereabouts of my twin.

I might hold the title but father gave us both the responsibility of overseeing the new free world...the world we were blessed to be born into. I'm in fear of what could happen if you do not return and accept what is done.

Best regards,


This letter would be my final attempt at a truce with my twin brother and a part of me hoped that this would bring Legion back to Eleftheria because I knew what would soon erupt in unrest if he did not.

I looked at the gorgeous red jewels at my desk in curiosity. The numbers 7777 were spaced evenly through the chain. Why would Legion give Brielle such a thing? How did he know of her? What message was he trying to send?

I sighed looking out the large windows in my office. It was pitch dark and all who roamed outside were working warriors. How did my father manage to honor his title for so many years? Being Alpha of all Alpha's was both a bittersweet burden and blessing. Nights like this were when I felt it the most.

I am...tired.


I am the Alpha King.

I couldn't let them see me tired.

I couldn't let them see me sweat.

I could not worry.

I had to be strong

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