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"For surely a king is first a man

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"For surely a king is first a man. And so it must follow that a king does as all men do: the best he can." —Cameron Dokey

L e g e n dB l a d e

I STOOD ON one of the many balconies of the pack house that was positioned right above the greenish scenery of the pack's land.

Children, human and immortal, played with one another with their giggles erupting in the air.

Suddenly my eyes detected those familiar dark locks. Complimented by big brown eyes, a beautiful round face on a beautiful body.

She sat on one of the benches; her hands moved fast as she typed on her laptop, her fingers touching every key, not even stopping for a second to think.

What could she possibly be writing about? We haven't even begun our interviews yet.

"Brielle Winters..." I let her name slip from my lips in a whisper.

There was something about Ms. Winters that I couldn't grasp. I don't know whether it was her vibrant energy which seemed to defeat any spirit of melancholy or her smile she shone me the day we first met that had infected me with such precipitous feelings towards her.

"Alpha?" William's voice enters my ears. I turn around to look at my Beta. "The council has something to show you."


"It's unbelievable," Counilwoman Payton comments. "Alpha King Legend, you won't believe your eyes."

I watch as General Mason, with the eyes of all councilmen and councilwomen on him, turns on the mini holographic device in his hands.

I watch as blue illuminating lights shoot from the device and reflect against the wall behind him. I watch as the hologram lights the words pending...

"You know the holographic message we sent your brother Legion, a few months ago?" General Mason questions. "I spoke with General keeper Danger, a couple of days ago. Though he is working with your parents on their projects around the world, he checks into the data base of the pack ever so often."

"And?" I question waiting for this incredulous message they seem devoted to tell me.

"Danger said he caught some suspicious activity within our technological data base, so Beta William and I, along with some warriors, checked the activity yesterday night..." General Mason explains.

I watch with eyes of shock when the words pending...turned into 4 digits.


"Your twin brother has responded..."

My mouth parts in bewilderment. Legion Blade, my dear brother, has finally responded.

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