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"Each night, when I go to sleep, I die

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"Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn."
― Mahatma Gandhi

L e g e n d B l a d e

"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the almighty Alpha King!"

    THE VOICE OF an overzealous announcer diffuses around the room, and the blaring eruption of thousands of exclaims and cheers bounced off the walls of the room and into my ears. I grinned wildly as I maneuvered through the crowd meeting the eyes of pride from the residents of pack 101...my people.

  Alphas from neighboring packs granted me their attendance and nodded in respect as I stride passed them clinking their glasses together.

   The claps and praises began to form a rhythm as I made my way to the center of the ballroom. When I was center, the volume of the crowd lowered and I clutched my glass of wine before lifting it in the air.

"Tonight," My voice projected smoothly throughout the venue. "marks another year of my position as the King of Alphas. It also marks the anniversary of the Supernatural Union's downfall, a system that would have exploited us all...human or not. Tonight we celebrate 27 years of the United Packs of Eleftheria!"

   The howls and exclaims around me increased the adrenaline pumping throughout my body. I found myself throwing my head back and letting out a low chuckle. The crowd around me begins to scatter throughout the large room enjoying the benefits of their own and raw pleasure.

"My my my," A voice teases. "It seems like you have won over the people's hearts again...I still don't understand. You're still a dumbass to me."

   William's impressed eyes narrow before he clasps his hands together before clapping. He slows his claps before giving me a pat on the back.

"The only thing I'm a dumbass for is letting you acquire the position and title of Beta." I retorted before I clinked his glass with mine. I looked around at the gleeful masses around me. "They trust me...I have never gave them a reason not to."

William nods before taking a sip of his red wine. "Cheers to that, Legend. You know, your father would be so proud if he were here right now. To bad he's out on a mission with your mother..."

William gestures his hands to the people around. " This....this is what he would love to see."

  My stomach turned at his words and my mood steadily changed. Though my father would have been gazing in approval at me right at this moment...I knew I had not earned his validation. What I was doing was overshadowed my the ambitious doings of his reign.

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