♔18. ANIMAL (Part I)

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"If falling means keeping you alive, then every world will incinerate under my hands

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"If falling means keeping you alive, then every world will incinerate under my hands."
― H.S. Crow, Lunora: A Book of Sand

L e g e n d B l a d e

"My baby boy!"

     MY MOTHER'S VOICE travels through the air in a familiar echo. I watched as she runs over to me, her small stature trekking down the cobblestone steps before wrapping her arms around me tightly.

"Have you gotten bigger since we left? I mean look at you—certainly not the 19 year old young man we left in charge no more. I'm about to cry!" She said reaching up to grab my face causing the crowd of pack members to watch in amusement.

I could see Brielle give me a playful smile as if she is trying to hold back a laugh.

"I missed you too, mother." I said tightly, trying to mask my embarrassment at her outward affection, causing her eyes to gleam up at me.

    I missed those familiar eyes so much. They were almost nostalgic. My mother was a breath of solitude guarded by her angelic atmosphere.

      She looked at my hands which were still intertwined with Brielle's, her emerald eyes lit up, with her now in awe. I watch as her gaze falls from Brielle's face to Brielle's neck which boldly wore my half of the stone of life.

"Oh my—" My mother whispered. "You must be Brielle Winters."

I could feel Brielle freeze in nervousness as my mother spoke to her. Her eyes widened in bewilderment.

"You know my name?" Brielle asked incredulously, an hard emphasis on the word 'you'.

My mother returned her a warm smile that was quickly overshadowed by an icy air that broke our bubble of warmth. When my father made his way to where we all were with the eyes of the crowd following him, I knew then where this intimidating ice protruded from.

    His eyes locked with mine not wavering with every step he made. When he was just in front of me, I realized then truly how much time has passed by. I was nearly now a couple inches taller than his noteworthy height.


    The first word that comes out of his mouth holds so much weight and I nearly cracked under his stare. What was he thinking? Was he angry with me? Did he know about Legion? Was there any part of him that was proud of me as the heir to his throne?

"It's good to see you..."


"I wanted to say my condolences for Chancellor Tarah. She was a force to be reckoned with." My mother's soft voice speaks into the room.

    In a private council room sat me, General Mason, my mother, and my father. We all stared at each other none of us saying a word just taking in the presence of one another.

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