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"Know thy self, know thy enemy

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"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." -Sun Tzu

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

THE LAST FEW days had been a whirlwind of events. Ivy's return to the pack house spread like wildfire among the members. Inna informed me that Ivy was under captive care in the pack's health facility, with no recollection of her whereabouts during her absence. It was as if her memory had been completely wiped, making it difficult for Legend to proceed with his plans to sentence her to prison.

Ezekiel had been adjusting well to life in Pack 101, and his presence had made these days some of the best. The pack had a facility for youth of all kinds of entities, and Ezekiel had made friends his age—a werewolf boy and a vampire girl. He spent most of his time there, hanging out with the other kids.

I was still contemplating Mandy's offer, wanting to discuss it with Legend first. However, I hadn't had the time, as he was extremely busy with Alpha responsibilities.

Speaking of responsibilities, councilwoman Payton had caught me in the halls to inform me that I would begin Alpha Female training in the next few days. When I mentioned this to Legend, he revealed something that intimidated me greatly: the council was seeking to officially bestow the title of Alpha Queen upon me in the coming week, right after Chancellor Jordyn's succession ceremony.

In the next few days, I would be partially responsible for upholding the well-being of the United Packs of Elefthería.

A knock on my door pulled me away from my intense thoughts as I doodled in my writing journal. I sighed before getting up. I opened the door, expecting to see one of the pack members with another task or message for me. Instead, I was greeted by a familiar face that made my heart skip a beat.

"Annabeth?" I gasped, my voice a perfect blend of shock and joy.

Annabeth stood there, grinning widely. Her brown hair was pulled back into a messy bun, those cherry earrings I hadn't seen in so long  dangled from her ears, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. She stepped forward, wrapping me in a tight hug.

"Brielle! I had to come as soon as I heard about everything that happened," she said, pulling back to look at me with concern.

"How did you even get here?" I asked, still reeling from the surprise.

Annabeth chuckled. "I contacted the pack as soon as I heard about what the ASO group did to you. It took a bit of convincing, but I got the green light from Legend himself once I completed a background check and he figured out who I was."

My eyes widened. "Legend approved this?"

I was shocked that Legend hadn't mention anything about Annabeth visiting the pack and I was surpassed he took the time to make this happen especially with everything going on.

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