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"There is a constant war of want and denial inside of me when I look into your eyes

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"There is a constant war of want and denial inside of me when I look into your eyes." -Unknown

B r i e l l e W i n t e r s

     THE BLUE EXTERIOR of the flying car reminded of the lush color of an lazy shore. The kind of color so vibrant yet peaceful enough to put you asleep; it was a mirror of Legend's whimsical eyes.

"This is absolutely—"

"Lovey!" A high pitched, feminine voice filled up the empty space of the garage cutting off my sentence.

   The clicking of heels and several footsteps could be heard and I turned my head to see a tall, petite blonde, with full platinum bouncy hair walking towards Alpha King Legend with admiring eyes.

   I could see Legend's face drop almost in annoyance before his grimace turns into a smile.

"Baby, I am so sorry I'm late. I had so many appearances to make this morning and interviews and—" The young woman stops her rant taking a look at me.

   She eyes me up and down and her expression was unreadable. She looks back at a still faced Legend.

"Lege," She voices tight lipped "Who's this?"

  Legend coughed before opening his mouth but I beat him at an introduction.

"I'm Brielle Winters, a journalist from Jusco Times..."

She gasps before her mouth parts into an 'O'. "Bermuda!" She hollers causing a middle aged woman who had walked in with a group of others to come to her aid.

"I thought you told me no more interviews upon my schedule—"

"Ivy, she's here for me." Legend steps in cutting her off causing Bermuda's nervous eyes to relax.

Ivy's pale white cheeks blush a bit before she turns to the Alpha King. "Oh, of course."

"Ms. Winters, this is Ivy." Legend introduces.

She turns to me with excited eyes. "Ivy Kade..." she adds in. "Nice to meet you, Brielle. You probably already knew who I was so I don't think there was a need to introduce me."

Is this woman serious?

"Ivy Kade..." I ponder. "The comedian?"

Legend releases a chuckle earning a sharp look from Ivy.

Her offended eyes then turned to me with challenge. "Well, you obviously don't watch enough TV...or are ever on the internet which explains why you are holding a paper and pencil."


"Ivy..." Legend growls.

"I'm Ivy Kade. The number one beauty and lifestyle influencer in today's age. I mean c'mon, I have a billboard on Heiden Blvd."

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