Prologue: Captured & Found

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A/N: There will be songs in this book, song lyrics and song names. I will take it out if I have to.

3rd POV

The story starts with a small yellow feathered bird flying around and tweeting. It flew through a log causing some birds to jumped out, flying through green birds who are hugging waking them up and a bunch of toucans, a bunch of birds started dancing and singing. A mother bird's eggs sprouted talons and walked off.

Song Starts Now: Real in Rio from Rio (Music Lyrics are in Italic)

All the birds of a feather

Do what they love most of all

We are the best at rhythm and laughter

That's why we love Carnival

The two eggs from before bumped into each other the egg cracked and they start to dance.

Call so clear we can sing to

Sun and nature's big moon

Dance to the music, passion and love

Show us the best you can do

Little Blu was asleep and his tail feather started shaking and moving with the music. And moved to the front of the tree to look out at the birds dancing.

Everyone here is on fire

Get up and join in the fun

Dance with a stranger, romance and danger

Magic could happen for real, in Rio

A small Indigo Canary named Azure can be seen dancing and flying around with a bunch of birds.

All by itself (itself)

You can't see it coming

You can't find it anywhere else (anywhere else)

It's real, in Rio

And know something else (something else)

A yellow feather mother bird, picked up her child and threw them off their nest. Blu saw it and was worried until they started flying. The mother joined them and they flew happily.

You can't feel it happening

You can feel it all by yourself

Song Ends

Blu was about to spread his wings and try to fly but before he could do that, two parrots was caught by a net causing them to squawk, some yellow birds got caught, Spoonbills got caught. Every birds are now flying for their lives. Blu standing at the entrance of his home got pushed and fell, while Azure who was flying bumped into a bird and fell down as well. Blu, and Azure landed on a pile of leaves which softens their fall, when they got up they look around to find no birds around. Than a cage got dropped on the both of them. They are now in the cage inside of a plane along with other birds.

The plane flew. Now they are seen in Minnesota, inside of a crate in a truck. The truck driver is listening and dancing to some music. The back of the truck, handle is shaking violently. The truck is now at Moose Lake, Minnesota. A bird was in front of the Red Light cause it gives out warmth. The driver screamed when he saw the Red Light and the bird screamed as well. The bird flew off, and the driver came to a sudden halt, what he didn't know is that he dropped a crate containing Blu and Azure. The truck waited for the Green Light and left.

Inside the crate, was a blanket with Blu, and Azure on it. The both of them chirps for a while, and snuggle each other for some warmth. The both of them heard noises from outside and saw the top of the crate lifted, they both saw a young girl with glasses and twin pony-tailed hair. The girl reach into the crate and grab both Blu, and Azure.

"It's okay. It's okay. Shh." She said as she brush their head a little. "I'll take care of you two." She said and she hugged both of them close to her cheeks to give them some warmth.

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