Chapter Eleven: Blue Macaws Flock

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It was now the next morning, as everyone has woken up and continue their journey to the Amazon.

"Come on, Blu." Rafael said.

"Hey, guys! Guys! Wait up." Blu said, as he was behind them. "Remember, birds of a... Never mind." He said, as he flew after them.

Nigel, Charlie and Gabi were behind the boat.

Nigel saw them flying away. "Ah, they're getting away!" He said, and he hit s Charlie awake. "Wake up, you insect-eating idiot. Follow them."

Charlie puts his snout into the water, and uses it like an engine to make the life ring sail across the river to follow after the birds.

"Better. Now go ten times faster." Nigel said, suddenly a fast boat goes past causing them to nearly topple off the life ring. "River hogs!" He shouted.


The group of birds are now in the Amazon

"You see? It, like a charm. Here we are." Blu said, as he checks his GPS, and looks around.

"Uh...where?" Clara asked.

"Oh, these things have a margin of error." Blu said, as he went back to his GPS.

"I told you not to trust that woman." Jewel said.

Bia was watching a bug, as it slide along a tree bark. "That's a Heliconious larva. It's about to enter the pupa stage." She said.

Tiago appears next to her. "You said poop!" He said, as he goes after it.

"Hey!" Bia said, and she goes after Tiago "It's 'pupa', bird-brain!"

"Hey, kids. Stay close." Blu said.

"I'll get them." Jewel said, as she flew after them.

"Okay, guys stay put. Um...I'll look around." Blu said, as he flew off.

"No worries. We'll be here." Rafael said. "We're not going anywhere." He whispers.

"My feathers is popping up on the back of my neck." Pedro whispers to both Nico and Azure.

"I don't like this." Nico said.

"Me either." Azure said.

"Mmm-mmm. Let's back it up. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep." Pedro said, as him and Nico starts walking backwards.

Azure sighs, but chuckled at their behavior.

"You coming, Angel?" Nico called.

Azure laughs a bit. "No, I'll stay here and look after Carla." He said.

"Bia? Tiago?" Jewel called.

Blu was looking around with his GPS. "Come on, lady. Don't let me down." He said.

"Calculating route to Funky Town." the GPS said.

"Oh, great." Blu said, as he wanders off a bit, and missed Tulio. He head back towards where the others were. "Okay, guys! I..." He was about to say, but stopped when he saw the others missing. "Guys?" He said, and he flew down. "Ha-ha! Good one, guys. Very funny. Good, good. Very witty. Jewel, where are you? Kids? Jewel? Azure?"

Suddenly Blu was snatched by a bird, as it brought him towards an area. While Blu keeps on screaming and yelling.


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