Chapter Fourteen: The Egg Hatched?!

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A/N: I apologize for not updating this for a while. So... here you go. Also, don't question the logic in this.


After the auditions and successfully finding someone. Azure finds himself having some free time.

Azure decided to spend some time looking for something suitable for Nico to wear, temporarily. He could see that his husband is feeling naked without his bottle cap hat, so he decided to find something a bit more suitable.

Azure is currently on the jungle floor, he looks around from flower to flower, mushrooom to shells, and has no luck.

Azure sighs. "Is it really that hard to find something suitable to wear as a hat in the Amazon?" H questioned. After a bit of silent, he realized something. "Don't answer that." He said, particularly to no one.

As Azure continues looking, he passed through a bunch of leaves and emerges in a small area surrounded by leaves. He looks around, until he spotted something in the middle of the area. "What the..." He said, seeing an Egg.

Azure flaps his wings a bit, he reaches the Egg. "Hey there, little fella." He greeted, looking at it. "What are you doing here, on the floor?" He questioned.

Sure, Azure knows the possibility of it being a different animal's egg, but that's not the case. With the amount of knowledge he gathered throughout the years he's been with Linda and Blu, he knows the Egg belongs to a bird because of the shape. Which kind, however. He's not sure.

Azure continues looking at the egg. "I wonder where your parents are..." He said. He lightly pets the egg and suddenly it cracks.

Azure became shocked when the egg cracks. He freaks out, thinking that he was the cause of the crack. "Oh no, what have I done?! Eu sou um monstro!(I'm a monster!)" He dramatically cries, a trait you can say he's gotten from his husband. "I'm a criminal, a-" He stops, when he saw a small beak breaking out of the egg. He breathes out a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. It was just breaking out."

Azure continues watching the egg, as the egg fully breaks. And out came a Green-Feathered Canary. The Green-Feathered Canary looks around for a bit, he saw Azure.

"Aw." Azure said, in awe. "Welcome to the world, Pequeno cara(Little guy)." He greeted.

The Green-Feathered looks at Azure with wide-eyes, he smiled. "Papa!" He said.

Azure became shocked. "Uh-oh." He said, realizing something. He realized that he is the first bird that the little guy saw, meaning the little guy now thinks Azure is his dad. What is he gonna tell Blue? Jewel? Bia? Carla? Tiago? Rafael? Pedro? "What am I gonna tell Nico?" He asked himself.

"Papa!" The Green-Feathered Canary called. He jumps out of his shell and went towards Azure hugging him.

The newborn Green-Feathered Canary is about the height of Azure's chest.

"Aw..." Azure said, looking at the Green-Feathered Canary who is hugging him. "No, I gotta stay focus." He shakes his head a bit. "I gotta find a way to tell the others." In a hurry he flaps his wings and flew into the air.

"Papa?" The Green-Feathered Canary said, seeing Azure in the air. Unaware of a danger slithering towards him, from behind.

Azure stops mid-air. "Wait, why am I leaving a kid unintended?" He questioned. He turns around, and his eyes widened in anger as fire appears. He saw a snake slithering towards the Green-Feathered Canary.

Azure quickly swoops down back towards where the Green-Feathered Canary is.

The snake opens its mouth, preparing to devour the Green-Feathered Canary that is staring at Azure. Suddenly it was pushed back by a talon.

Azure had outstretched his talon and kicks the snake across its cheek knocking it back.

The snake is knocked back.

Azure looks at the Green-Feathered Canary with a smile. "Okay, Pequeno cara. Listen to Papa, alright? I want you to use your wings and cover your ears." He said, gesturing his instruction. "And, I want you to count to ten. Looking away, alright?" He asked.

The Green-Feathered Canary looks at Azure, he nodded and smiled. "Okay." He said. He covers is ears with his wings and looks away. "One, two, three..." He counted down.

Azure smiled before it drops, he looks at the snake in anger.

"Let me make one thing clear...!" He said, gritting his teeth. He flew towards the snake, upper-cutting it with his wing.

"That little fella was just born, one or two minutes ago!" He stated, he karate-chops the back of its neck.

"And I am not going to let you or anything... Hurt... My... Son!" He yelled. He grabs the back of its tail and slams it around.

While Azure is being showing the snake its place. The Green-Feathered Canary is counting down, happily. "Seven, Eight, Nine... Ten!" He finished, just as Azure appears behind him.

"Okay, little fella." Azure said, smiling as the Green-Feathered Canary looks at him. "Let's get outta here, before something dangerous appears okay?" He asked.

The Green-Feathered Canary didn't really understand, but smiled and nodded anyways. "Okay. Papa." He said.

"Okay, let's start with the basics of flying." Azure said, he stood next to the Green-Feathered Canary. "First, you spread your wings out." He said, spreading his wings out.

The Green-Feathered Canary spreads his wings.

"Good. Now, you flap them." Azure said, he flaps a bit. The Green-Feathered Canary begins flapping his wings. "Faster." He said, and the Green-Feathered Canary flaps his wings faster. "Okay. Now, all we have to do, is run, jump and fly. You ready?" He asked.

The Green-Feathered Canary looks down, unsure.

Azure smiled. "From the words of my husband. ""Se na primeira você não conseguir, tente, tente, tente novamente." If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again." He told the Green-Feathered Canary, using Nico's words when he was learning Portugeuse.

The Green-Feathered Canary looks back up at Azure. He made a sound of agreement and nodded.

"Let's do this, together." Azure said, smiling. "Three, two, one!"

Both Azure and the Green-Feathered Canary took off and fly together.

Azure laughs, like a proud father. "Look at you! You're flying!" He said.

The Green-Feathered looks around, he smiled seeing that he is flying in the air. "Flying! Look! Papa! Flying!" He said, excited.

"You sure are!" Azure said, grinning.

With the sudden of the Green-Feathered Canary, what kind of adventure awaits Azure next?

Do you ever wonder what happened to the snake? Let's just say it is currently wrapped around a tree branch, with a few bumps and a black eye.

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