Chapter Four: Flying

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A/N: Azure loves kids. He would be an awesome uncle.

Azure POV & 3rd POV

It is now the morning and the Blu, and Jewel is trying to break the chain, while Azure is helping as well. "Are you sure this is going to work?" Jewel asked. "Yeah, brother. Do you think this will work?" I asked. "Positive. Check out my math." Blu said pointing at his map. Jewel, and Azure sees the map that was drew on the ground.

"Yeah, that's... that's comforting. Thank you. Look, let's just get this chain broken." Jewel said. "Right. Then we can go and find Linda." Blu said as he placed the rope attaching it to a hook. "No, you two can go find Linda. Once this chain is off, I'm going to go back to being free in the jungle. Deal?" Jewel asked. "Fine. Deal." Blu said. Blu's wing accidentally hit the rope causing the rope to be detached from the hook.

Blu's beak accidentally get caught by the rope, and brings along Jewel with him circling around the branch and falling onto the rock. "Oh... That's gotta hurt." I said. Both Blu, and Jewel groaned. "Nice try, Brainiac." Jewel said.

"I think something is watching us." Blu said. Suddenly two baby Toucans appeared and went to Blu, and Jewel. "Oh, be careful, Blu. They might snuggle you to death." Jewel said as she hugged the baby Toucan. "Oh. Aw, come here." Blu said as he hugged the baby Toucan. The baby Toucan starts to take out some of his feathers. Blu started screaming and running around. Another baby Toucan appeared on Jewel. "Intruders!" The baby Toucan said. Than Jewel started screaming as well. There was a baby Toucan by Azure's side, the baby Toucan snuggles with Azure. "Aw, aren't you cute." I said hugging the baby Toucan.

Blu, and Jewel got tangled up in the chains and they fell. "Attack!" The baby Toucan next to them shouted. A bunch of baby Toucans from the sky rains down onto Blu, and Jewel. Blu, and Jewel screamed. Azure, and the baby Toucan he's holding are laughing at the scene. Blu, and Jewel's screaming alerted the father, Rafael.

"What's going on down there?" Rafael questioned. He flew down and saw his kids attacking Blu, and Jewel. "Go, go, go. Off with you." Rafael said trying to get his kids off of Blu, and Jewel. "Daddy! Daddy!" The baby Toucans called and went to their dad. The baby Toucan that was with Azure also went to his dad.

"Okay, guys, guys... I've told you thousand times. Manuela, Sofia, come on, now. Listen to me." Rafael tried to get his kids to listen. "Ow! Oh, yeah, right in the eye." Rafael said when his kid jumped onto his eye.

Jewel, and Blu got up. "Oh, precious, aren't they?" Jewel said referring to the kids. "How, adorable." I said. Rafael chuckles a little. "Kids? 17 of them, and one on the way." Rafael said referring to the unhatched egg. "Hey! He's not a maraca! Stop shaking him!" Rafael shouted at his two kids who were shaking the egg. The kids placed the egg down and flew off.

"They're giving me gray feathers. Oh, this papa needs a break. So, you two lovebirds headed for Carnaval?" Rafael asked. "Whoa. Lovebirds?" Jewel questioned chuckling a little. "Uh, we're more like acquaintance birds." Blu said. "And not even that. We're more like chained-to-each-other birds." Jewel said. "Pretty much." I said. "Yeah. I-I mean, if... Ow!" Blu suddenly said as a baby Toucan got to his tail feathers. The baby Toucan giggles and walks off.

"What is it with this kid and the feathers?" Blu asked. "We have no idea. We're having him tested." Rafael replied. "So, do you think you could help us get this thing off?" Jewel asked showing him the chain. "Hmm. Lucky for you, you know Rafael, and Rafael knows everyone." Rafael replied. Suddenly his kids got to his eye again. "Oh! Again with the eye. Okay, want me to call your mother?" Rafael asked.

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