Chapter Twelve: Inspiration

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Now Eduardo is guiding the group towards the other Blue Macaw flocks. "For years, we have been on the run as the humans push us deeper into the jungle. But as you can see, we have found sanctuary. A place we can finally put down roots." He said.

They flew over a Blue Macaws nest. "Everyone! Come on! Everyone, out of your nests! My daughter is home! Come on, birds. My Jewel is back!" He shouted, as they woke the rest of the Blue Macaws, and they start flying.

"Jewel?" Mimi said, as she woke up. "Make way. Make way. Jewel!" She shouted, as she flew past the other birds.

"Aunt Mimi? Aunt Mimi!" Jewel said, as they embrace each other. "Oh! I missed you so much!"

"My little wildflower has returned! I knew you were coming back. I saw it in the droppings." Mimi said. She suddenly gasped, as she notices the kids. "And look at the little ones!" She said, and she runs towards them with her wings out. "Aren't you the fluffiest, most delicious little macaws?" She went and grab them, but the kids flew away, as she grabs Blu. "Oh! You're big for your age."

"Uh...Mimi. This is Sue." Eduardo said.

"Oh, actually, I'm Blu." Blu said.

"Aren't we all?" Mimi said, as she laughs.

"Oh! No, really, that's my name." Blu said.

"That's why they call us blue macaws." Mimi said, as she laughs.

Jewel went over to Blu. "Just go with it." She quietly said to Blu.

Suddenly singing were heard, and two female blue macaws pulls the vines away, to reveal a male blue macaw who was singing.

Pedro, Nico and Azure flew next to Blu. "So, that's what a blue macaw is supposed to look like?" Pedro said.

Welcome Back by Bruno Mars

Look at her shinin'
Her feathers they glow
Now the jungle is smiling
'Cause our baby's home
Can you feel what I feel?
The day has come at last
Our precious Jewel has returned
I'll be the first to sing welcome back

Roberto flies over to Jewel and extends his wing to her.

Jewel giggled. "Roberto. I..." She said, as she goes to grab his wing, but Roberto starts singing again.

Oh welcome back
I said welcome, welcome, w-w-welcome...back!

Roberto stops singing. "Wow, you look great!" He said to Jewel.

"So do you!" Jewel said, as she laughs.

Blu appears. "Hi, hey. Hi, there. I am Jewel's, uh...significant other." He said.

"Ah! So, you're the lucky bird who swept Ju-Ju off her feet." Roberto said.

"'Ju-Ju'?" Blu questioned.

"Yeah. When we were kids, we always had the cutest nicknames for each other." Roberto said.

"We did. I called him Beto." Jewel said, and she giggled.

"That's adorable. I love doing the nicknames." Blue said. And he turns to Jewel. "You never mentioned, uh...any Roberto." He said.

"There was nothing to mention." Jewel said.

"Hey! There's my wingman!" Eduardo said, as he joins them. "We can rest easy with Roberto on the lookout." He said, as he pats Roberto's back.

"Eduardo taught me everything I know." Roberto said. "He's the bird." He said, as he nudge him.

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