Chapter Ten: Old Enemies

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3rd POV

"Amazon!" Tiago shouted excitedly, as he thumps his chest. "Let's go! Come on, Dad! Come on!" He said, as he swung down towards his dad.

Blu begin listing items. "Okay. Bug spray, check. Water purifier, check. Band-Aids. I feel like I'm forgetting something." He said.

Tiago went into his pack, and got out a swiss knife. "Oh, cool! The all-in-one adventurer's knife!" He said, and opens it. "I'll be in charge of this."

"No. Ah, ah, ah... That's not for you." Blu said, and grabs it back from him.

Bia flew down towards Blu, with a book. "Hey, Dad, look at this. Did you know the Amazon has snakes that can swallow you whole?" She asks.

"Actually, Bia, all those stories are highly exaggerated." Blu said.

"No, really. Look." Bia said, and she showed him the popup art of the snake.

Blu screams and back away a bit.

"Oh, that's sick!" Tiago said, as he took the book from Bia.

"Alright, are we ready to go?" Jewel asks, as she flew next to Tiago. "A fanny pack?" She questions, when she saw it.

"Yeah. Linda gave it to me. I need it for the GPS. Oh, where's the GPS?" Blu said, as he went into the birdhouse to look for it.

"Hey!" Bia said, and took the book back from Tiago.

"Carla, we're leaving!" Jewel calls.

"I'm not going. It's gonna be lame." Carla said, from inside her room.

Jewel sighs, and Blue got back with the GPS.

"Okay, here it is. The voice recognition makes it totally foolproof. Here, watch this." Blu said. "Find Linda and Tulio." He said to the GPS.

"Searching for 'Dinner in Tokyo.'" The GPS said.

"Oh, okay. Well, actually, that does sound like a nice suggestion." Blu said.

"You trust this woman?" Jewel asks, referring to the GPS's voice.

"Yes, I do." Blu replied, in a robotic voice.

"Hey, wait up, family! I'm coming, too!" Rafael said, as he appeared. He slides next to Blu. "Don't worry, buddy. We got your back." He whispers to Blu.

"Sure. I promised her a spot in the Carnival show." Rafael said.

"What?" Azure said.

"You did what?" Nico said.

Both Azure and Nico said at the same time.

"You guys are late." Rafael said.

"Clock late." Pedro said.

"But musician early." Nico said.

"Oh yeah." Azure said.

The three of them high-fived(?), and Azure kissed Nico's cheek.

Carla pops out of her room. "Wait, you guys are coming?" She asks, as she took off her earphone.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." Pedro said. "We're gonna scout the wildest, coolest talent in the jungle!"

"It's our inspiration for this year's Carnival show: 'Amazon Untamed.'" Nico said, as he threw his cap off his head, twirls Azure, they got to the bottom platform, and the cap landed on Nico's head, and winked at Azure.

Azure giggled, and kissed Nico. "Plus, it's like taking a break from the city." He said. "Or vacation."

"Cool!" Carla said excitedly, but quickly hid it. "I mean, pfft, yeah. Okay. I guess I'll go." She said, and puts her earphone back on.

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