Chapter Three: Escape

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Azure POV & 3rd POV

Blu groans as he woke up from the noises. "Excuse me. Please. I am trying to sleep." Blu said. "Oh, I'm sorry, sleepyhead. We're trying to escape." Jewel said sarcastically. Both Azure, and Jewel are using a rock to try and break out through the air vents. "Escape? Why? The cage is awesome." Blu said. "The cage..." Jewel started to say than she laughed. "Oh, what was I thinking? I wouldn't expect a pet to understand. At least your brother understand." Jewel said while Azure hummed in agreement.

"Pet? Did you just call me a pet? For the record, I am not a pet. I am a companion. And you know what? Do whatever you want, 'cause tomorrow morning, Linda will come for me, and Azure, and this whole nightmare will be over." Blu said. "Incredible. You would rather be with a-a-a human than your own kind." Jewel said. "Well, that human has given me, and Azure, love and affection for the past 15 years, whereas my own kind tried to strangle me after 15 seconds!" Blu said as he hid in his leaf blanket. 

"Yeah, well, because of them, I've lost everything. You can't trust them." Jewel said as she suddenly gasped. Jewel, and Azure saw the door was opened. Jewel, and Azure went to the door. "Of course, you can trust humans." Blu said than he heard Jewel, and Azure grunting. "Jewel? Azure? Jewel." Blu said than he sees a guy. "Oh. Hi, there." Blu said than he yells as the man put a bag over his head.

Azure, Blu, and Jewel are now in a cage. Jewel rip a bit of it to see where they are going. "Okay. Okay. There's no place like home. There's no place like home. Oh, how I wish I was back in my own cage, with my mirror and my swing and my little bell. Oh, how I miss my little bell." Blu said. "Now is not the time, brother." I said.

"Shh! Play dead." Jewel told them. Jewel, and Azure immediately play dead. "What? I don't need to play dead. I'm about to have a heart attack!" Blu said. "Just do it!" Jewel said. Blu sighed. "Fine." Blu said. Blu started to gag and grunt he falls than starts to twitch. "Stop twitching." Jewel said. "Oh, come on. It's the twitching that sells it." Blu said. "Not in this situation it's not." I said. "Shh." Jewel said shushing Blu.

"Come on in, kid." Armando said opening the door letting Fernando in. Fernando than places the cage on Marcel's desk. "Well, what do you know? Good work, Fernando. You see, boys? What did I tell you about this one?" Marcel questioned.

"That you were going to pay him half as much as you said?" Tipa asked. Marcel than slapped him. "Ow!" Tipa exclaimed. "No, you idiot! That he reminds me of myself when I was that age. Sweet, resourceful. Here you go, kid." Marcel said as he hands Fernando half the money he promised.

"Hey. This is only half of what you promised me." Fernando said. "Ah, shut up, kid." Marcel said as he took off the cover. He took it off and find the three birds in there playing dead. "What the...?" Marcel said as he picked up Jewel. "I thought I told you I needed these birds alive. Tell me, Fernando, does this look alive to you? Huh?" Marcel said. Jewel than bites Marcel thumb and tries to fly away.

Armando and Tipa tries to catch her but they bumped into each other. Marcel than tried to catch her but failed. "Jewel!" Blu called. Jewel found a way out but got caught by Nigel the Cockatoo, that Blu, and Azure saw when they were at the Aviary. 'I knew he is bad news' I think to myself.

"Hello, pretty bird. What's the matter? Cockatoo got your throat?" Nigel said as he applys pressure at her throat. "Nigel! Alive." Marcel said. "To be continued." Nigel said he than threw Jewel back into the cage. "That was your plan to take off and leave us? Gee, thanks." Blu said. "Well, why didn't you two follow me?" Jewel asked. "Uh..." Blu trying to reply but was embarrassed about telling her he can't fly. "I can't just leave my brother." I replied. 

"Nice work, Nigel." Marcel said as Nigel landed on his arm. "Yeah, nice work, Nigel." Tipa said in a mocking way. Nigel squawk at him and Tipa got scared. "The last blue macaws on Earth. These are worth a fortune." Marcel said as he placed a chained making Blu, and Jewel chained together. He didn't cared much about Azure. "Hey, Fernando. Hang these up in the other room." Marcel said as Fernando brings them to a room filled with birds.

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