Chapter Thirteen: Audition Disasters

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A/N: I will not be writing everything in the second movie. Only parts where Azure would most likely appear.

Also, I'm kinda disappointed in myself, for writing this chapter, the way it is.

This chapter is pretty short, and doesn't have a lot of moments between Nico and Azure, but hopefully next chapter will be different.


It was now the next day. Rafael, Pedro, Nico and Azure was sleeping on a tree.

Azure's head was on Nico's chest, as the both of them snuggled together, until they drifted to sleep, the last night.

The four was sleeping, some of them were snoring.

Carla flew towards the group. "You guys. Wakey-wakey." She said, looking at them. "Wake up!" She shouted, waking everyone up.

Rafael shot up, awake. "Eva! You got it!" He said.

"Good morning, Carla." Azure greeted, still a bit tired, from just waking up. He yawned, and turned towards his husband. "Nico, time to wake up." He softly said.

"Five more minutes." Nico said.

Azure giggled. "No can do, Bonito." He said, he kissed Nico's cheek, and stood up. "What is it, Carla?" He asked, looking at his niece.

"Morning, Uncle Azure." Carla greeted, she was on a branch. She looks at everyone. "What happened to "Amazon Untamed"?" She asked. "Here's the plan: auditions today and we preview the show tomorrow." She announce.

""We"? What you talking about, "we"? You speak French?" Pedro asked.

Azure rolled his eyes. "She means all of us, Pedro." He told his friend.

"Come on, chop-chop." Carla said, she lightly claps her wings together. "Let's get started!" She said, and flies down. There everyone saw a bunch of animals, in the crowd.

"Woah! Kid's been working." Rafael said.

"That's my niece for you." Azure said.


Everyone begin interviewing different animals for the audition.

First was a group of Capybara, who did a great performance. The group bobbed their heads to the performance.

Next was an ostrich, who accidentally tangled themselves. The group winces.

The group was on a tree, as the next animal was a sloth. Carla was trying to wake up a sleeping sloth.

"Uh...any time you're ready." Carla said.

The sloth suddenly woke up, and rapped.

Every time I come a fella gotta get it.
Then I gotta go, and then I gotta get it.
Then they gotta blow, and then I gotta show that any little thing a fella think that he be doing. Cause it doesn't matter, I'm done.

The sloth went back to sleep.

Next was a chicken, who sings, and accidentally lays an egg.

Another chicken was beatboxing.

A monkey was on a swing, that is made of a boulder being held by vines.

"Next!" Nico said.

"We are the amazing Capoeira turtles." One of the Capoeira Turtles said. They start moving in slow motion. The group was confused, as they watch the two turtles perform.

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