Chapter One: Present Day

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A/N: A POV for both Azure & 3rd POV it's just me trying to explain the whole story in different POV. Azure POV is mostly for his interactions.

Azure POV & 3rd POV

It is now shown that Linda have been with them through out their entire lives. A picture of Linda's birthday with her friends including Blu, and Azure. A picture of when she feeds them milk. A picture of her holding up a trophy saying "Spelling Bee Champ" with Blu, and Azure with her. A picture of her in Prom with the both of them. And a picture of all three of them saying best friends.

The clocked reached 7:15 A.M. and it beeped. Linda keeps on trying to press the off button but it keeps beeping. She hit the clock and it fell onto the ground. Even when she pulled the plug, it is still beeping.

"Huh?" Linda said as she looked to see Blu with her glasses and making Car noises. She clicked on Blu's nose and he made a parking sound. Than he places Linda's glasses on her. Azure was next to him with his cowboy hat. "Good morning, Blu, Azure." Linda said chuckling a little and petting them.

Than they start with their our morning routine. Linda pressed tooth paste for both Blu, and Azure, Linda brushed her teeth, while Blu, and Azure brushed their beak. The three of them got their cups of water and started gargling. Linda, and Azure spit into the sink, while Blu drank it and burped. "Eww." Linda said. While Azure laughed a bit at his brother's antics.

Azure pressed down onto the toaster machine. Blu uses some rings and grabbed a box of cereal and gave it to Linda. Than Blu got off and made a plate flew Linda caught it and the toast got on the plate. Linda is trying to get Blu, and Azure to eat their vitamins, they were avoiding it.

"Come here. Tyler Blu Gunderson! And Theo Azure Gunderson! You two know these vitamins are good for the two of you." Linda said trying to get them to eat it. Suddenly she gasped and grabbed a box of Fruity Krunch. "Ooh. What's this?" She asked as she shook the box. Blu opened his beak and Linda gave him his vitamins. "Gotcha. Now." Linda said looking at Azure. Azure knows that there is no way to avoid so he opens his beak and Linda fed him his vitamins. "Thank you, Azure." Linda said.

Blu is now on a Toy Police Car and making Police sounds, while his brother Azure flew next to him. He goes under a table and grabbed a stick. He parked the Toy Police Car perfectly and got onto the Stair Rails sliding down with Azure flying next to him. Once they reached down Blu got on Linda's arm while Azure got onto her shoulder. "Whoo!" Linda said while twirling a bit on the chair, when they reach her computer Blu, and Azure started typing the password, Linda pressed enter. The computer screen show Linda, Blu, and Azure dressed up as pirates. Blu opens the curtain while Azure turns the sign from closed to open. Than the three of them did their handshake together, than imitate an explosion. Than Linda pets both of them and they start their day.

"Enjoy the new book." Linda said. "Thanks, Linda." The book customer said as she leaves. "Bye, now. Yes, Mom, I'd visit. But who would take care of Blu, and Azure? Mom, they don't have kennel's for parrots. Here's your hot chocolate, Blu. And here's your blueberries, Azure." Linda said while she was talking on the phone, she put down the plate of hot chocolate, cookies and blueberries.

Blu was inside of his cage and Azure was on top of it. Than Blu squawked. "Just how you two like it. Plus, I don't trust leaving Blu, and Azure with just anyone. No, I don't have a bird-sitter..." Linda talking through the phone trailing off. Blu opened his cage door and climbed it to reached the hot chocolate and cookies, while Azure just flew down to it.

"Ah. This is the life." Blu said as he sniffed the hot chocolate. "You said it, brother." I said. "The perfect marshmallow-to-cocoa ratio. One, two, three, four, five... six. Mmm." Blu said as he drank the hot chocolate with Azure on the other side of it. Suddenly a snowball was thrown against the window and the both of them knew who it is. "Them again." I said unimpressed. The both of them looked out the window.

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