Chapter Nine: To The Amazon?

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A/N: I skipped the TV part, where the boss was watching the news. Also, just know that "Rio 2" takes place, 3 years after "Rio".

3rd POV

In The Amazon, Carecuru River Outpost, Linda and Tulio are on a boat in the river of Amazon jungle. Tulio uses his camera to record their surroundings.

"Amazon Expedition, day seven. Two thousand miles from Rio we've reached the center of the rainforest." Tulio said, as he record the surroundings. Monkeys and birds appeared. "We are surrounded by plants and animals struggling for survival as we glide effortlessly down the river." Tulio said.

Linda was panting as she rows the boat. "Effortless for you." Linda said. A butterfly flew past her. "Oh, how pretty!" Linda said. A fish jumps out of the water and ate the butterfly. "Oh, spit it out, spit it out! Oh!" Linda said, as the fish went away.

The both of them reached their destination, and stops at the side of the river. Linda jumps onto the ground. "We're nearing the nesting grounds of the Amazonian Wood Quail. Odontophorus gujuneasis. Six months ago we rescued this little bird from smugglers." Tulio said, as Linda lifts the cover to reveal a marbled wood quail in a cage.

"It was sick, malnourished, with a broken leg, but now my trusty assistant..." Tulio said, as the camera was on Linda, and she gave him a look. Tulio laughs nervously. "I mean, loving wife and colleague, will release her back to her natural habitat." Tulio said. Linda opens the cage, but the bird backs away from it in fear.

"It's okay, you can go now. Just like this." Linda said, trying to tell the bird that it can go, as she flaps her hands a bit. "Let me talk to her." Tulio said. Tulio looks at the bird, and started squawking like a bird. The bird got scared and backs away from him. "Go on." Linda said. The bird rushes out of the cage, looks back at them, and squawks saying 'Freaks!'. The bird went towards the leaves, and started calling for others.

"Do you think she's gonna be alright?" Linda asked, as she pushed the boat back onto the river, and sat at the front. "Hm, give it some time." Tulio said. More marbled wood quail appeared from the leaves. All of them got close, and reunites with each other. "Mm, welcome home." Linda said.

The marbled wood quail, looks back at them, and tries to tell them something. "Wait a minute. What is she saying, Tulio?" Linda asked. "It's just hard for her to say goodbye." Tulio said. The bird continue to try and tell them something, as it points at the direction they're going.

"No, I think she... I think she's trying to warn us." Linda said. Tulio laughs. "No, no, no, Linda. It might be some sort of mating dance." Tulio said, as he points his camera at it. The bird than gives up warning them, and went away.

Linda looks in front, and saw a waterfall. "Tulio, look! Paddle! Now!" Linda screams. Tulio grabs a paddle with one hand. "Ooh! Okay, okay, okay. Paddle!" Tulio said, as he drops the paddle into the river. "Watch out! Paddle, paddle! Backward, backward!" Tulio said, as they go down the waterfall. "To the right! No, no, no! Left! Forward, forward! No, no, no, no!" Tulio said, in panic.

"Make up your mind, Tulio!" Linda said. She tries to catch the both of them, by getting between some rocks with the paddle, but it broke. "Cheese and sprinkles!" Linda exclaimed. Th both of the continue going down the waterfall. The both of them landed. "Oh, no!" Linda exclaimed, as she saw another waterfall in front of them.

Linda and Tulio begins paddling using their hands, but it didn't do much. "Paddle, paddle, paddle! Faster! Aaah! Tulio!" Linda screams, as they got to the edge of it, and goes over it.

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