when he forgets your birthday. Harry

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You and Harry have been dating for about two years know. Your birthday is tommorrow but Harry does not seem to remember. Neither of you have work tommorrow so you stay up all night watching movies. At midnight Harry does not say happy birthday first at midnight like he had last year. So you sit there and your body language toward him changed, but he did not notice so you just wonder off to bed without talking. When you wake you Harry is in the kitchen. 

"so Y/N what were you so mad about last night?" he asked as you walked in. 

"Nothing, why did you think that." you said ging to the fridge. 

"Oh okay," he said then,"oh by the way your mom called you might want to call her." 

"I wonder what she would want" you said sitting down still irritated Harry still has not said happy birthday. But your thought was cut short by the phone. 

"I'll get it" you said picking it up. It was your mom so you went to your room to talk to her. 

"Hey mom what's new." you asked 

" Oh nothing, just wanted to say happy birthday. So why dont you tell me whats up" 

"You know, stupid boyfriend forgot my birthday" you say mad 

"You sure he forgot?" she said surpised 

"Yeah he has not said a word." there was a beep coming from your phone " oh mom I got another call, love you" 

The other calls that you got were friends and family wishing you a happy birthday. When there were no more calls coming in you went back to the kitchen were still Harry sat.  

" So Y/N what did your mom want" he asked when you got back. 

" She just want th say happy birthday." you say ging him the you messed up look 

" Oh man I'm so sorry it flew out of my mind, but i did get you a gift" he said rushing into the other room to get your gift from the bedroom. 

"Again Y/N I'm so sorry" said handing your gift. 

"Thanks" you say going to open the present but you find another box within another box you find more boxes and you find your self laughing along with Harry. After a few more boxes you get down to your real gift. It was a necklace that you saw at the store that you just loved. "Oh Harry, I love it so much thank you." 

" You like it good, and again I'm so sorry" he said sounding sorry. 

"It's find just don't forget it again" you said giving him a kiss

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