It's over. Niall

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"Why?" Niall said when he got home.

I knew he would find out. It was not like I wanted it to happen it just happened. "I'm sorry. Its just"

"Why?" he asked. His eyes were killing me. They were that shade that meant he wanted to cry.

"I did not mean to-"


"Stop cutting me off and let me finish." part of the reason right there. "You were mad at me. I left. I got drunk. I'm sorry."

"I don't care you still did it." he stood there saying nothing for a while, "I'm tired." he stood there a little longer, "Get off the couch you can have the bed."

Oh of course he would want to be near me, "No I screwed up. I'll take the couch."

He rolled his eyes and walked away. I really was sorry.

The next morning

When I woke Niall was up but there was no breakfast. Who ever gets up first always makes breakfast. But then again I would never expect him to forgive me.

"Morning Niall." I said when I sat up. "How did you sleep?"

"Morning. I didn't sleep well I was too busy thinking." he paused and looked at the door, "I don't this is going to work out if I don't trust you. So I think it will be better if we just end it.'


He cut me off again, "No but's if I can't trust you then it would be too hard. It's over."

"Please just think about it a little longer." now I was the one crying. I knew he was too ut he had his back to me.

"I'll think about it." 

He left everything when he left. I hope he does think about it.

A week later

Niall never came by or called and it's been a week. I knew it was over before the interview but I had to watch. No matter who the interveiwer is they alway ask, Who is single and who has a girlfriend?

Tonight they were on Alan Carr again. It took what seemed like forever to get to it.

"So who is not single?" he finally asked. Liam, Louis, and Zayn all raised their hands but Niall just sat there. And of course Alan brought it up, "Niall I thought you were dating Y/N. What happened?"

Here it comes he is going to tell everyone what I did, "Not much we just decied that we weren't a good match. So we deicied it's over.''

"Oh well." Alan said.

It's over. Well I knew that before I watched. But the look on his face when he said it he was so hurt. I caused that.

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