He forgets your birthday. Zayn

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Happy birthday to me Happy birthday to me happy birthday day to me happy birthday to me and LIAM.

I woke up this morning and I quite happy. Zayn was all mine today. We had Liam's birthday party yesterday so today we were going to celebrate my birthday.

I woke up at 9:00 and I was not expecting him to wake up until after noon. 

It was almost noon and I have had enough. I was going to wake Zayn up and we were going to celebrate my birthday.

"ZAYN GET UP NOW!" I said shaking him.

"No go away." he said pushing me away.

"It is my birthday, c'mon I want to have fun." shaking him harder.

"No go away." this time he rolled to the other side of the bed.

Fine, "Whatever." idiot was not willing to spend time with me on my birthday.

I thought that it was no use sitting around the house all day so I started to check out my phone. Most  of the messages were just happy birthday. But one caught me eye it was from my best friend Hey girly happy birthday. Lets get together and PARTY!!! WOOOOOOOH!!! Call me maybe. lol. I could not help but laugh. I didn't want to sit around the house all day so might as well call and see what she had in mind.

"Y/N, you got my message. So you want to hang out?" Y/F/N asked excitedly.

"Yeah me and you have not been able to hang out in what feels like forever. So what did you have in mind?" I asked realising that I really have not seen her in forever.

"We gonna party in down in that club next door to your old flat." she said laughing.

I remember which she was taking about, it was the place that I had met Zayn. "Great meet you their in an hour."

We both got there right on time. Once in we both headed straight to the bar. We both had a few and she headed to the dance floor with some guy. I had plenty of people ask me but I had a boyfriend who was just now walking into the club right behind Liam and Niall. This was going to be good.

"Hey Zayn." I said walking up behind him.

''Hey Y/N I was wondering where you went." he said giving me a hug.

I rolled my eyes, "Really? Well I am going back to the bar." 

Zayn's POV~   

Y/N walked away to the bar clearly pissed. But we followed her to the bar anyway. Niall had a few before all of us. "To Liam. Happy birthday I love you." Niall was already a little tipsy.

"Happy Birthday Liam, I love you too more then Niall does."  I said laughing.

"I love you guys too. So Y/N how are you enjoying your birthday." Liam said turning to Y/N.

Y/N's birthday? What is he talking about? Her birthday in a month from today. "Interesting." she said getting another drink.

"Yeah considering it is a month away." I said raising my eyebrows. But everyone turned to me looking horrified.

"That is why it is so interesting." she said pointing to me and rolling her eyes.

"Zayn ummmm yeah you might need to find a place to stay tonight you are dead." Niall said slurring.

They all nodded including Y/N. I was wrong  her birthday was today. I forgot her birthday and I spending her birthday with Liam. "Fuck." I thought out loud. "I ummm think that I need to go home and um-"

"Pack or fix this." Liam said throwing him arm ver my shoulders. 

I moved out from under him, "Fix this." and I took off 

Your POV~      

I watched as Zayn ran out. I was not going to spend my birthday with him. I planned on spending my birthday with someone who remembered.

I saw Y/F/N leave earlier, so I spent the rest of the party with Liam and Niall. "So what are you going to do about Zayn?" Liam pipped up. neither of us have had much.

"Ignore him at home, wake up tomorrow and pretend that it never happened. Beside he'll have a year to make up for this year." Liam raised his eyebrows, "What?" I asked noticing the way he was looking at me. Like I had said something weird.

He laughed slightly before telling me, "The girl who never has been in a 100% commented relationship talking about being with the same guy in a year."

"Never been in love." I laughed, "I should get home."

Liam nodded along, "And I need to get Niall home." he said pulling him away from some girl at the bar, "Don't ignore him though. C'mon Niall I am taking you home."

I watched them leave before I left as well. I got home and Zayn was still up.

"Hey Y/N I know this is like hours late but I made you a cake." he said pulling me into the kitchen. He cut me a peice of cake and handed it to me. "I made this from scratch, so don't be surprised if-" I made a discusted face, "Yeah that."

"Kidding, it is really good babe." I said eating more.

"That's mean you made me think- nevermind." he shrugged, "Love you babe sorry i forgot your borthday." he gave me a quick peck before handing me my gift. "Got you something."

I opened to see an infinty necklace I had been wanting for ages inside, "this is perfect."

"I knew you wanted that so I saw it and grabbed it. And we still have some time left before you birthday is offically over. To be exact we have," he checked his watch, "nevermind it is aftermidnight."

"Still thank you, but I am beat. I am going to bed." I said going to bed sending him smile as left.

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