Getting a flat togther. Liam

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His place was too small for both of you. Yours was too at your parents house. So today was the day that you and Liam were going to go flat hunting together.

"I lke this one." you have been looking all day and there were none that both of you liked.

"Yeah it's not bad. Lets look around a little more." you knew what he was talking about. The last place had a mouse in the kitchen.

"It has a small bathroom."  you shared a bathroom before not fun.

"Why do you find something wrong with every place?" he asked meanly.

"Not every place. You had a problem with the other places that I liked." What was his problem? "You wanna know something, I am tired of looking." 

"So where are we going to stay? My place is too small and we are never going to live with your parents." he said confused and all anger gone.

"That's just it. You got mad over 1 comment." wanting to leave and give up.

"Babe. It is just it has been a long day. Maybe we should try again tomorrow."

"Maybe, I don't know. Like you said it has been a long day."  I left him. I was going home so I could sleep and clear your head.  

The next day you checked your phone and missed a few calls from Liam. So you called him back. "Hey Liam."

"Hey Y/N. Are you still mad?" 

" No, Like I said yesterday it has been a long day. Wanna go look at some today?" 

"Yeah there are a few that I thought about last night that I think we both liked."

"Great come pick me up. Love you.

"Love you too. I'll be there in 15 minutes."

You got dressed and shower reall quick. Just in time he was coming down the street as you got out there. He took you to the all the places, but you picked the last one you went to.

"I love it. It is big and has a good amount of space for us."

"Glad you love it. So we live here now togther  perfect if you ask me." he said giving you a lite kiss on the nose.

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