Odd timing. Harry

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A/N- Feels good to come home and to see I 9ave over 100,000 reads thanks it is just so wow

Your POV~

How could this happen. I was so careful. No I cannot be pregnant I was only 19. Sure I have been with Harry since I was 17 and almost 2 years. But I always planned on being married before I had even considered having a kid. I want kids just not yet.

Of course telling Harry would be difficult. He does want to be a dad just not yet. But he was acting weird as if he had already found out. When the baby came I was going to need help and from the way that he has been going out and avoiding me this was going to be difficult to tell him as well. 


When I got home from work today I found a note from Harry-

Dear Y/N,

I need you to go to the store and grab me some stuff for dinner tonight. I'll make dinner tonight. Happy Anniversary.

Love, Your Sex God Boyfriend (Harry)

Great he would make dinner and I would break the news to him at the table. His reaction would either be great or it would ruin our anniversary. Either way he needed to know and it is better to tell him now then wait for later.

I got to the store when I realised one thing, what is for dinner and what do I buy? Harry is gonna cook who who else was there to call. 

He answered on the first ring, "Hello?" 

That sounded more like a question, "Hey Love."

"Huh, oh, hey Y/N. What do you need I kinda am in the middle of work?" 

Oh work yeah of course, "What do you need to make dinner?"

"Anything you want." he said rather quickly, "I love you but I really got to go." He hung up directly after.

Yep he is still acting strange. Well he wants food so I guess I am buying food. But this just felt like a waste of time.

Harry's POV~ 

I finally found the perfect ring. The guys helped me look for one for days before I found one that was perfect. 

Me and Y/N have been dating for almost 2 years. Sure we were young, but I'm in love. Besides we could always have a long engagement. Our anniversary is coming up and I thought what would be a better time to propose. Sadly, Y/N has been acting weird lately. I hope that she does not know and is not going to say no.

Despite that I had set up everything for a perfect anniversary dinner. Romantic dinner for two out on the balcony which was candle lit. I had roses and Daisies, Y/N's favorite. All I had to do was wait for her to come home from the store.

I sent her to the store for food that I really had no use for just to waste her time so I could set this up. All I wanted was for this to be perfect, well no not really I just wanted her to say yes. Now all I had to do was wait.

Not even 10 minutes after I was dressed did Y/N come back. She looked pissed, "Hey Y/N, I will gwt the groceries you can go get dressed in an outfit I got you just for today." I added a wink and grabbing the bags.

Your POV~     

Harry was dressed up when I got home. Just as I thought the store was a waste of time but from the looks of the outfit he had laid out this was going to be good. And I was still going to tell him, he was the father he deserved to know.

I was dressed and meeting Harry in the living room in record time. "Y/N lovely as always." he said taking my hand, "Allow me to escort you to your table."

"Harry." I said laughing.

"Too much?" he asked with an apologetic smile. "Of course it was. But here is where we are eating." he said motioning to the table on the balcony.

It was laided out as a romantic dinner for only us. Flowers were every where and included my favorites, "Oh my gosh, this is amazing.'' I turned back to harry who had pulled out my seat. I sat down, "I have to tell you something."

His face literally dropped, "Oh." he took a deep breathe, "What is it?" he tried to smile but failed. If he knew he was not happy about it.

"I am pregnant." I looked up at Harry. He seemed to have let out a breathe that he had been holding but he looked rather relieved, "What is it?"

He sighed, "I thought you knew what I was going to say." he smiled wide again. "You're pregnant, that is great. Weird timing because I was going to ask you something too." I lifted my eyebrows and looked at him waiting. It took him a few seconds but he did get on with it, "Oh...Um...Yeah....So..." he got up and came over to my side of the table and got down on one knee, "Like I said odd timing because I wanted to ask you something. Here goes nothing." he reached into his pocket and grabbed a little black box, "So Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N I love you more then anything. And I want to be with you more than I have ever wanted anything else. Will you marry me?"

I wanted to cry, he really thought that I was going to say no, "Harry I love you more then anything else so of course I will marry you.''

I gave him a kiss and he gave me the ring, "Stay here I'll go get the food."

Right so neither of us saw that coming, "I'll help you." I said following him flaunting my ring along the way.

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