How you met. Harry

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You had been just friends with Niall for a couple years. He was taking you to the party. When you got there you knew no one but him so you stuck close.

"Y/N go meet people." Niall said walking around more.

"I don't know anyone here."

He looked around and lead you to a boy with brown cyrly hair and green eyes. "Y/N this is Harry. Harry this is Y/N. Now talk." then he left.

"So Y/N how are you?" He kgave you a big smile, he seemed nice.

"I'm good. How are you?" smiling back.

"I'm good too. So..." he did not know what else to ask you. "So How do you know Niall?"

"We use to be neibors." and of coourse you knew how he knew Niall, "So tell me about your self."

"I'm in a band, I'm 19, and right now I'm talking to pretty girl." he was good.

You blushed, "Thanks you're not bad yourself." 

"I'm thirsty. You want a drink?"

"Yes thank you." and he was going to get them.

You had been waiting a few minutes and you heard him call your name, "Y/N!" you turned into him spilling both drinks on both of you."Woah, I am so sorry."

"No it is my fault. Lets go get cleaned up." looking at the stains in your clothes.

You went to the bathroom. This stain was not coming out. Harry shirt was clean, "Here." he gove you the plaid shirt that was over a white one.

"Thanks." his other shirt was still clean. 

"Harry! Y/N! Where are you guys?" Niall was looking for you.

"In here!" Niall came to door, looked both of you up and down. He laughed.

"Well we gotta go." he handed you your coat, "Meet you in the car."

And he was gone, "He is not so good at dropping hints. Can I have your number?"

"Sure." you handed him your number, "here's my number so call me maybe."

You both laughed "Sure, but you might want to get going." yep Niall was honking.

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