He takes care of you when you're sick. Zayn

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You don't want to cancel your date with Zayn. But you don't want to go with him just to end up getting sick on the date. So you call him hoping that he won't mad.


"Hey Y/N, what's up?" he sounded worried

Maybe you could go out tonight you just had to be careful. "I was just wondering what the plan for tonight is?" dieciding to go anyway.

"Cinma."sounding releived.

The cinmia I can lask through a movie. "Awesome. See you soon. Bye." hanging up

A couple hours later Zayn came to pick you. "So what movie you wanna see?" he asked as you got into his car.

"Something funny."

"Something funny, okay then." getting in next to you.

Half way through the opening preveiws you started to feel like you were going to be sick again. So you went to the toilets and sure enough you were.

One woman come in and stopped outside your stall, "Are you Y/N?" she asked

"Yes. Why?" you said opening the door.

"There was a guy outside and asked me to come make sure you were okay." she then asked "Are you feeling okay?"

"No." going outside with her.

"Thank you." Zayn said to woman who came and got you.

"No problem, but she is not feeling well. Why don't you just go home?" she said walking away.

The car ride home was long every 5 minutes you had to stop and puke. But Zayn was there each time to make sure you were okay. When you got back to your flat Zayn helped you to your bed.

"Need any thing else?" he said as he was about to leave.

"No thanks."

"Okay I'll be in the other room if you need anything." he left the door open when he left.

You remeber falling asleep. But having to get up every now and then when you felt sick. Each time Zayn helped you out and back to bed. Then around noon the next day he woke you up.

"Hey babe hate to wake you but you gotta eat." giving you a bowl of soup and coming into take away your bowl and spoon.

The next night you felt fine so you and Zayn went on a proper date.

"Thanks for taking care of me when I sick those last few days."

"Y/N no problem why wouldn't I take care of you." he said as you got to your door. Giving you a kiss goodnight.

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