ღThe Next Day☁

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♥Alexandrias p.o.v.☽
I wake up, take a shower, get dressed and get into my black BMW and then head to Barnes and Nobles to meet up with Kyla. I see a familiar girl sitting in the corner by the window and we hug each other. "Hey Kyla what's up"? I ask her as we sit down. "Nothing" she says I turn around for a moment and then I looked out the window and saw her brother outside talking to a blonde girl. "Kyla". I ask her as I turn to her. "Yea"? She asks as she turns to me. "Isn't that your brother over there"? She looks out the window and sees her brother and that girl talking to each other.

"Yea that is, what is he doing here"? We both look out the window together and all of a sudden they both kiss and then get into his car and then it starts to move. "Omg your brother is not"?! I look at her wide eyed. She looks at me and says "Ewww he is what a nasty dumb ass"! We look away and start looking for some books. I bought a book that I was so excited to start reading and then we both head off to our cars and go get our nails done.

"Alex?" Kyla turns to me and asks me. "Yea?" The lady doing our nails is trying to look like she isn't eavesdropping but you can tell she is. "Since tomorrow is my brother's graduation you should stay the night today and tomorrow night so we can get ready together?" I smile at her and say "Of course Kyla that is a wonderful idea." We finished getting our nails done and I head back home so I can pack my things and wait for Kyla to pick me up. My phone vibrates and I get a message from Kyla.

From: ☯Kyla♬

Hey, I was going to be on my way but my mom wanted me to go late dress shopping for her today :/ but there's good news and bad news.

I sent her a text back .

To: ☯Kyla♬

Its ok Kyla I understand so whats the good and bad news?

My phones vibrates and I get another message.

From: ☯Kyla♬

The good news is that I can still pick you up :) but here's the bad news......... my brother has to pick you up :( I'm so sorry Alex.

This can't be happening right now but I guess it can't be helped.

To: ☯Kyla♬

It's fine Kyla, things happen girl. Im not happy about this but since your my bff I'll endure this.

From: ☯Kyla♬

Thanks Kyla :), your a tough cookie, and he's on his way so he will probably be there in five minutes.

To: ☯Kyla♬

Oh boy :/ , well wish me luck. See you later girl :)

From: ☯Kyla♬

Everything will be fine, See you later bae :)

I hear a knock on the door and I see that it's Roman. I open the door and take my bags outside and lock my door. Before I get to pick my bags up, Roman beats me to it. "What's with girls and having a bunch of bags?" I look at him and say "I didn't ask you to hold them, so don't complain to me and give them back if you're going to whine about it." He looks at me surprised and gets into the elevator. I don't understand him and he confuses me with his actions. Like you do a nice gesture and the next your a complete asshole. We ride down the elevator together in complete silence. My phone then vibrates and I see that it's a text from Asher. I'm glad that I got a text from him because then I'll have to stand and look at the wall in front of me.

From: Asher ✌

Hey, how's it going beautiful :)

To: Asher

Oh, nothing bout to go to my best friend's house and you :)

I receive another message and I feel like someone is looking at my messages.

From: Asher ✌

Well have fun, I have to go. Works calling :/

To: Asher ✌

Awwww, that quick :( well have fun at work I guess :p lol we should hang out soon

From: Asher ✌

We should :) just tell me when your free and then we can meet up. Bye gorgeous ;)

To: Asher ✌

Bye Asher

Someone coughs and I turn to look and Roman just says "We're at the lobby now." We walk towards his car and I put my bags in the back seat. I sit in the passenger seat and buckle up. He goes to the driver's side and starts the car and we leave my apartment complex. I put on my earbuds and play some music because it cannot get anymore awkward right now. And before I know it I drift off and fall asleep.

♛ Roman's p.o.v.♕

I arrive at Alex's place and knock at her door. She opens it, looks at me and puts her stuff on the ground and locks her door. I decide to be a gentleman and pick her bags up. She just gives a look of surprise and just walks behind me. On accident I blurt out "What's with girls and having a bunch of bags?" She looks at me and says "I didn't ask you to hold them, so don't complain to me and give them back if you're going to whine about it." I keep quiet and decide to hold on to them. We get into the elevator and she looks at the wall in deep thought. I look at her and admire her beauty. She has the most beautiful hazel eyes and nice brown hair and can I add a sexy body ;).

(Face palm and Roman was doing so well, wasn't he? oh well onto the story)

Her phone vibrates and I see that its a message from this guy Asher and he called her beautiful and gorgeous?! I see that she types out that they need to hang out soon. The elevator dings and signals that were at the lobby. Alex is too focused on Asher that she didn't notice we were at the lobby. So I cough and tell her were at the lobby. Before we get off she gets her bags from me and we walk to my car. I open the back door and she puts her stuff there. We then get into the car and I start it and were heading back home. I peek from the side and see that she put on her earbuds and then falls asleep. Twenty minutes later we get home and she still is asleep.

Our maid Maya who is in her forties comes and greets me. "Hello Roman, is there something I can help you with?" I smile at her and tell her to get the bags from the back and take them to Kyla's room. She saw Alex in the front and smiles "Is this her?" Maya is like an aunt to me even though she is a maid and I tell her my problems when my parents don't have the time to talk. I told her about Alex and how she stood up for Kyla and that I have an attraction to her. "Yes, Maya she is." "Well, I've got to say she is muy bonita". "Si, very beautiful". I smile to Maya and she takes her bags to Kyla's room. I pick up Alex since she is in a deep sleep and take her inside, up the stairs and into Kyla's room. I go back down stairs and go into the living room and my mother and sister come back ten minutes later. "Hey Roman, where's Alex?" Kyla asks me with my mother right next to her. "She's upstairs sleeping in your room,she feel asleep on the way here so I carried her up the stairs to your room".

Kyla just looks at me but my mom gets a huge smile on her face. "Awwww how adorable is that, helping your girlfriend out Roman." "Mom, she is not his girlfriend." Kyla says angrly "She hates him for pete's sake"! She then walks up the stairs and goes into the room. I then get up and start to walk to my room and my mom stops me. "Roman, I know you try to act like you don't like her, but I know you do, heck you might even love her, and I don't want you to mess it up with her." I feel the blood rushing to my cheeks and I walk up the stairs into my room and close the door. I lay on my bed think off into space.

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