🍿Movie Night🍿

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After Kyla sends me a text that Roman wants to go at eight, I decide to do some laundry so I can have choices of what I would want to wear. Kyla arrives at my apartment so she can get ready here to not cause suspicion. I take a shower, and then me and Kyla start getting ready. I decide to wear some comfy leggings with a red shirt. I decide to pair it with a brown cardigan and some black sneakers. Asher arrives at my apartment and leaves with Kyla to have their ice skating date.

I decide to let my phone charge while I wait for Roman to come and get me. I spray some perfume and unplug my phone as I hear the door bell ring. I open the door and see Roman standing there in a jacket, a black long sleeve shirt and jeans. "You ready to go"? He asks and looks down "Yea, just let me make sure I have my house keys". I grab my keys and lock the door. We both start walking to the elevator, and it gets kind of awkward.

I stay silent and Roman speaks up, "So... you excited to watch the movie"? I tell him, of course I am. "I've been waiting for months to see it, I want to know what happens next". We both start to having a conversation about the movies we like. We get into his car and he asks me where I want to eat, since the movie doesn't start for an hour and twenty minutes. We stop by a restaurant and I order a milkshake with a cheeseburger, while Roman gets a burger,fries and a soda.

After we eat, we get to the movie theater and Roman says he will get the popcorn and pop while I pick our seats. The theater isn't packed yet, so I decide to pick the seats in the back. Roman comes back and he sits next to me, and hands me my soda. The movie starts, and the movie is so good, I'm so glad I came to watch it in the theater. A scary part pops up and Roman flinches and holds my hand. Someone is scared, that part scared me but it seems that Mister Harrison is a scaredy cat.

I don't say anything and keep watching the movie, Roman doesn't seem like a bad guy. If he isn't trying to flirt with me or being an asshole, he seems like a great guy. The movie ends, and the credits start rolling. I get up and stretch since we've been sitting for about two hours. We leave the movie theater, and its windy outside. Even though I'm wearing a cardigan, its cold for what I'm wearing.

I feel something drape over my shoulders "Here, put on my jacket you look like you're shivering". I put on his jacket and it instantly warms me up. We get into his car, and says he has to stop by the store real quick. He asks if I don't mind going with him, I have to buy a new charger anyways so I agree. We go into Walmart, grab a cart, and head into the directions of the phone chargers. I grab what I need and we then head into the auto section.

Roman grabs some air fresheners, and some floor mats since his were getting torn. We get back to my place and he walks me to the door, I take off his jacket and hand it to him. "Thanks for letting me use your jacket, I'm sorry if you got cold". He just smiles, laughs and says"It looked like you needed it more than I did, well I hope you liked the movie". I told him I did, and we said our goodbyes. I take off my makeup, put on come moisturizer, change into some pajamas and go to sleep.

♕Roman's P.O.V.♛

Flashback to Thursday Night

"So........are you still going to the movies with Alex this Saturday"?

I thought Alex, was covering for her that's why she was just being nice to me. I look at Kyla confused and ask her that I thought she was just playing along so I don't find out what Kyla was doing. "Even though she was covering for me, Roman she was genuine about going to the movies and what ever else you guys talked about". So, Alex was being nice not because she had to but actually held a conversation with me out of her own will. Maybe I do have a chance to change the way Alex sees me. I should take Alex to the movie theater because she really talked about how she wanted to see it and I wouldn't mind seeing it with her. I tell Kyla that I will take her and then I go to my room because I didn't want my sister to see the smile on my face.

After I come out of the shower, I change into a long sleeved shirt and some jeans. I put on some cologne and take a jacket since I know its going to be cold later in the night. I put gas in my car and head to Alex's apartment. I arrive at her door and I'm honestly nervous, not going to lie. I knock on her door and my heart is beating. I hear some footsteps, then the door opens and my heart stops. Alex looks absolutely beautiful and I ask her if she's ready and then we leave.  We stop by to get something to eat and then head to the movie theater. 

I get the popcorn and drinks while Alex gets our seats, I'm so happy that she decided to come watch the movie with me. I come back, hand Alex her soda and we watch the movie.  A part in the movie caught me off guard and I grab her hand. She squeezes it for reassurance, I didn't let go  of her hand  and kept it like that until the movie was over. As we're leaving the movie theater, I notice its a little windy and turn over to Alex and see she's shivering. I put my jacket over her, and I can tell she looks over at me and I just smile at her.

 We get into the car, and I realize the night is going to be over, and I feel sad. So to spend more time with Alex, I ask her if wouldn't mind if we went to the store and she agrees. After leaving the store, we arrive at her door and she gives me her jacket. She tells me thanks for giving her my jacket and that she had a great time. She tells me goodbye and I go back to my car, I smile to myself and think to myself that maybe I have feelings for my sister's best friend. 

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