❂The next day❂

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♥♡Alex P.O.V. ♥♡

I wake up the next morning with a huge headache and barely remember what happened last night. But I had a dream that Roman kissed me on the cheek and I feel really uncomfortable with that. I turn and see that Kyla is still sleeping and I go to the bathroom and then when I come back Kyla is already up and we both get dressed and go downstairs. We both eat some pizza and a chocolate shake and watch a movie. After we watch the movie I see its 11:00a.m. and tell Kyla that I have to leave home and pack cause I have to leave back to Minnesota for Thanksgiving Break. We both get into her Mercedes and she drives me back home "Kyla my flight doesn't leave until 2:30p.m. so, we can hang out for a little while".

We both get back to my apartment and she helps me pack some stuff and we then we sit down and talk about what happened last night. "I had a really weird dream last night"? Kyla looks at me with her eyebrow raised and tells me to continue. I look at her weirdly and say "In my dream Roman put me on your bed, put the covers over me and kissed me on the cheek". She all of a sudden stood quiet and I knew something was up. "Kyla , what is it, I know its crazy but that dream was hella weird and uncomfortable for me". She just looks at me, sheepishly smiles at me and says "That wasn't a dream". I get up and look at her with my eyebrows raised. "What do you mean, it wasn't a dream"?

"Well, he actually helped you upstairs and kissed you on the cheek, well that's what he told me, and I screamed at him but I knocked out". 'So everything that happened, actually happened'. "It's ok Kyla , it's not any of your fault, I don't understand why your brother would kiss my cheek like ewwwwww, now I have to wash my face". I go to my kitchen and wash my face and sit down by Kyla . She just laughs, says I'm crazy and offers to take me to the airport. We get to the airport and we say our goodbyes. "Alex when you come back, you better call me as soon as you land so I can pick you up". I hug her and say that I will gladly do so and I will bring her a souvenir. I get on my plane and put my headphones and listen to some G-Eazy.

✮ ✯ Kyla's P.O.V.✮ ✯

As soon as I wake up and get up, Alex gets out of the bathroom. We both get dressed and then head downstairs to get something to eat.  We then watch the movie 'A little Princess' and after that I take Alex back home and I help her pack.  We sit down and talk about what happened last night. Alex pauses, looks at me and  tells me that she had a weird dream last night. I look at her with my eyebrow raised and I tell her to continue. She then says that my brother put her on my bed, put the covers over her and kissed her on the cheek. I recall the events of last night and I remember Roman telling me that he kissed Alex.

I stay there quiet  and Alex says she's knows somethings up, so I guess I have to tell her that it actually happened. I look at her and tell her that it wasn't a dream and she stands up in panic and says "What do you mean, it wasn't a dream"?  I tell her what happened and that i screamed at Roman but I then knocked out, and that I would of killed him and I don't know why he would do that since I told him to back off Alex.  She tells me that's it's ok and it's not my fault and that she has to wash her face of my brothers germs.  I laugh and offer her a ride to the airport and we then leave.  We say our goodbyes and I tell her to call as soon she's back in New York and she said she'll bring me a souvenir back from Minnesota.

♥♡Alex P.O.V. ♥♡

I finally arrive in Minnesota and get off the plane, my mom and brother is there waiting for me. I walk up to them and they give me a huge hug and welcome back. "Hi mom and Grayson". Grayson is my older brother but only by ten months. Yes my parents couldn't take it anymore and wanted another child. -___- 'Gross yea, I know'.

We then get into the car and head back home. I see the familiar beige mansion and a big gate with two guards standing by it.  I enter inside and attacked by a huge hug and screaming. I turn around its me childhood friend Livvia Dae that I knew since we were in diapers. "Livvia!!!!!! Omg I can't believe it's you"!!!! We hug each other and we go to my room and catch up. "So how's it been in New York"? I tell Livvia about how I met Kyla and that' she's super cool and that she would love Kyla if they met. And that her brother Roman is an ass and a total fuckboi. "Omg, that's great I want to meet Kyla, we would be squad goals and is her brother cute tho"?

I look at her but she has an eyebrow raised and making a goofy face. "Yes, he's ok looking but I don't like him, he's honestly an ass and I could care less about him". She just smiles and says "Ok, if you say so". I throw a pillow at her and say "Hey"!!! We then start a pillow fight and then go back to talking after we both surrender. "Livvia since you shifted already was it hard"? Livvia is older than me by three months and shifted last month on the full moon. "Not really, at first it was painful since all your bones are breaking and it feels like it's on fire but after you shift it all cool, just make sure to bring an extra pair of clothes and do it in a private place". I take her advice and I feel so much relaxed but I'm so excited and nervous since the next full moon is in two days.

Livvia and I go downstairs and eat some Chinese takeout that we ordered and go back upstairs, watch a movie and go to sleep. I wake up the next morning and Livvia and I go to the mall and buy some clothes since my parents are going to throw me a welcome back party after I've shifted. Which by the way is tomorrow and the nerves and excitement is killing me. I buy some new boots, Nike shoes, hoodies and leggings. I drop off Livvia at her gorgeous brown mansion a couple houses down from mine. Before she gets off she wishes me luck for tomorrow night and tells me she will see me Wednesday.

I get back home and but my shopping bags away and go on my computer and finish some things that I have to do during the break. My phone vibrates and I see that it's Asher.

From: Asher
Hey what's up?

To: Asher
Nothing in Minnesota visiting the fam for the holiday 🤗 And you?

From: Asher
I'm actually visiting family too, we should meet up since we don't really live far.

To: Asher
Yea that sounds like a plan.

We text each other and pick a day to meet up and hang out and I told him if it was fine to bring my friend Livvia and said that it wasn't a problem. I take a shower, read a book in bed and watch Brain Games on Netflix. After a while I get tired and go to sleep, I wake up the next day get ready and head downstairs. I eat some pancakes and go see what my mother is doing. My mom is cleaning the living room and watching 'The Real' on tv. I help her out and she tells me to relax since today is the big day and not to be nervous at all of shifting for the first time. I hug her and go to my room and draw some flowers and animals. I watch 'The Real' on tv for a while and then decide to read a book and take a nap. I wake up at six in the evening and change into some old sweats and t shirt and go down stairs where my mother and father are waiting for me.

"Alexandra, this is an important night where you will finally become part of the pack and make us proud parents". My dad smiles at me and gives me a hug and a few more words of encouragement. "Like your father said its so important to us that you will finally be part of the pack officially, I'm so proud of what you have accomplished". We all hug and my parents tell me to head out to the woods and follow the directions where it will lead me to a safe and private place where no one will see me shift. It takes me a while to get to the location but when I get there its so peaceful and quiet. I see the moon in the night sky its a bright white and huge.

All of a sudden I feel a sharp pain all over my body and it feels like a thousand nails are digging into my bones. My body is all hot and feels on fire and I can feel all my bones breaking one by one with the pain getting stronger and stronger but all of a sudden it stops. I go by the lake and see my reflection and see that my wolf form is a black wolf with beautiful green eyes. I run off through the woods and get all the bottled up stress and anxiety out of my body and relax becoming one with the nature and wolf form. I go back to to the locations and change into the extra pair of clothes and go back home.

The Secret  (major editing changes and on hold ).Where stories live. Discover now