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❥Alex's P.O.V.♏

I wake up the next morning, get off the bed and brush my teeth. I change into a sweater, with some leggings and boots. Kyla comes to my apartment with cookies and hot chocolate. We take about last night and I told her that I was happy to go because I got to enjoy a movie at a theater. Kyla then tells me that her parents are having December ball at their house in a week. She invites me, and says you have to bring a date.

I tell her that I don't have a date, and she tells me its fine, she will be my date. She said even if we didn't have dates her parents wouldn't care because last year she didn't have one. Kyla suggests we go shopping for some dresses. We arrive at the mall and we buy everything we need for the ball. Kyla has a cute pink dress, heels,and jewelry. I have a emerald and gold dress with a pair of heels and jewelry. Afterwards we stop by her house, and I decide to leave my dress and shoes there because I'm going to get ready at her house on the day of the ball.

We go downstairs, bake some cookies and pizza and go to the living room. Kyla's parents enter the living room and I hug them and say hello. Her mom looks at me with a smile and hugs me tight. "Alex, you have gotten prettier, your skin is glowing". I tell her thanks and that it's great to see her again. I decide to stay the night at Kyla's since its gotten late.

We go upstairs to her room and she gives me, my pair of pajamas that I leave at her house when I stay over. She knocks out on the bed immediately and I go to turn off the light to go to bed too. But as I'm turning off the light, I hear something in the hallway and it catches my attention. I leave the room and I see someone out on the balcony. They hear my footsteps coming closer and they turn around. It's Roman, and his face relaxes, "I thought you were my father".

I stand next to him, and he looks stressed, he looks so sad, I never really noticed it before. He notices me staring at him, "Is there something on me"? I didn't know I was staring at him for that long, I get a little embarrassed. "Are you ok"? After I ask him that, he is taken aback. He stays quiet, and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable and not push him if he doesn't want to tell me.

"If you don't want to tell me, its ok but I can tell there is something wrong". He pulls me into a hug, and I hug him back. "I appreciate it, really Alex but I'll be fine". I give him another hug and tell him that if he ever needs a shoulder to lean on, I'll be there. I go back into the room, and go under the covers. I don't know how to feel, I mean Roman isn't a bad guy but he did give me a bad impression.

There is obviously something causing him to act like a fuck boy and asshole. I wake up to the sound of Kyla, jumping on the bed telling me that we are going to be late for class, if we don't get up now. I hurry up and put on my jeans, and she throws me a hoodie of hers and we head out the door. We barely make it to class, and we sit down in our seats. The cute guy in our diversity class tells us that he's having a party this weekend and we can come. We tell him thanks for the invite.

🦋Kyla's P.O.V.☯️

After we finish our cookies, and hot chocolate, I tell Alex about the ball that is coming up in a week. She tells me that she doesn't have a date, I tell her that I'll be her date. She then says that no, Asher is my date. I laugh at her, and I say that we will all be each other's dates. We go shopping and get our dresses and head back to my house. We eat cookies and pizza while watching a movie.

Then we go upstairs and go to sleep since we have class tomorrow. I wake up to my alarm and I see that we are going to be late to class, if we don't leave now. We hurry to class and while the teacher is taking attendance, the cute guy in our class sneaks up behind us. "Hey, I'm throwing a party this weekend and you girls are invited if you guys want to come". We smile and tell him thanks for the invitation. Even if we wanted to go, we couldn't because the ball is this weekend.

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