The Party♬✯

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♡Alex P.O.V.♡

Kyla and I enter her packed living room and say hello to the guests inside. Roman's best friend Dylan comes up to us and gives us each a hug. "Well hello ladies, how's it going"? We both giggle and just say we're fine and talk until he says he has to find Roman. We go to the dance floor and dance to Work by Rihanna. Some guys dance with us and we dance with them for a couple songs. I tell Kyla that I'm gonna go to the bathroom and will find her when I'm done. I go to the one of the bathrooms they have and most of them have a line so I decide to go to the one in her room. As I go to her room someone bumps into me and I look up and see that it's Roman.

I just look at him and he stares at me for a while and then mutters "sorry" and walks away. I get annoyed and enter Kyla's bathroom. I check my makeup and make sure everything is ok and then go back down stairs. Most of the adults left, including Kyla's parents for the night. So people are drinking and taking shots and acting crazy. I try looking for Kyla and can't find her,so I see Dylan by the fruit punch and walk up to him. "Have you seen Kyla"? I ask him and I can tell he's kind of tipsy. "Ummmmm, Kyla? Yea.. She's by the pool". I thank him and tell him to slow down on the tequila shots and go find Kyla, and there she is, by the pool having a margarita minding her business. I sit down next to her and she hands me a margarita. "Alex, let's just relax and get turnt tonight cause we both deserve it"!!!!!

I look at her and smile and we drink our margaritas and go off with some of the girls drinking margaritas and shots. We start taking shots and Kyla gets super drunk and starts dancing and laughing. I'm almost gone as well and start wobbling to find Dylan or someone that can help me with getting Kyla back to her room. I see Dylan in the living room sitting with someone but I can't tell who since its kind of dark. I walk up to Dylan and slur my words "D-lan can y-u h-lp me wit Kyla, tak-ng her u-st-irs"? The person next to him gets up and tells Dylan to help get Kyla to bed and that he will take care of me. The guy grabs me and says "Alex, what am I going to do with you". I jerk and move myself from him and tell him to back away from me. "I can handle myself, leave me alone!!! I'm going to find Kyla". I walk out and the guy grabs me and says softly "Alex trust me, you're not capable of taking care yourself, let me take you to Kyla's room".

I see that it's Roman and back off and say "As if, boy "! I try to walk up the stairs but I can't keep my balance and start to fall but someone catches me. "See, I told you that you need me". He carries me bridal style upstairs and moves the hair away from my face and just keeps looking anywhere but my face. I keep looking at him and he catches on and then looks at me and says "Why are you looking at me"? I answer "Why are you being so nice, did you hit you're head"? He laughs and says that I'm just crazy and puts the covers over me and kisses my cheek and leaves.

♛Roman's P.O.V♛

I watch as Alex starts dancing with some guys with Kyla and I see that she says something to Kyla and leaves. I go to my room to get my phone since I left it charging in there. I grab my phone and start walking out to the hallway and I bump into someone and I was going to  yell 'watch where you're going' but I see that it's Alex and stare at her for a while and mutter 'sorry' and walk back downstairs. My parents walk up to me and says that they are going to the other estate they have in New York so we can still keep the party going here. I thank my parents and hug them good bye. I go where my friends are and take some shots with them but then I stop when I feel a little tipsy since Alex and Kyla are here and I want to make sure they don't make a fool of themselves. I look where they're at and they're taking shots with some of their friends. I go to the living room and Dylan follows right behind me. Dylan is going to be my future right hand beta for the pack and start discussing future plans once I'm in charge.

I hear someone stumbling into the living room and this girl starts slurring her words and I can tell she's drunk but she walks up to Dylan telling him she needs help with Kyla. I notice that it's Alex and tell Dylan if he can find Kyla and take her upstairs and that I will deal with Alex. I grab Alex and blurt out "Alex, what am I going to do with you". She flinches and moves away from me and tells me to back away from her. She yells at me and says that she can handle herself and to leave her alone so she can find Kyla. She walks out and I grab her and tell her to trust me since she's not capable of taking care of herself and I'll take her to Kyla's room.

I guess she recognizes it's me and yells at me "As if,boy"! And goes up the stairs and she starts to fall but she doesn't since I caught her. I tell her that she does need me and carry her bridal style and take her to Kyla's room. I take the hair away from her face and try to not look at her and just look ahead. I can tell she's looking at me and ask her why she's looking at me. She just looks at me says why I'm being so nice and did I hit my head. I laugh at that and put her on the bed and put the covers over her and give her a kiss goodnight since she won't remember in the morning. I go back downstairs to see how Dylan is doing with my sister. I see that everyone left and Dylan is trying to get Kyla off the table but isn't trying to be forceful that she can hurt herself.

I tell Kyla to get down and that Alex is already sleeping upstairs and she should too. She looks at me shocked and gets down the table and starts yelling at me "How did she get up stairs?, did you do something to her cause I'll freaking kill you"!!!!! She starts coming at me but Dylan grabs her and starts taking her upstairs. I follow them upstairs and Dylan puts her beside Alex and I thank him and tell him he can use the extra bedroom. He leaves and Kyla stares and whispers "I swear if you did something to her I will end you".

I just look at her and say "No I didn't do anything to her, I just took her upstairs cause she wasn't capable of taking care of herself and just put the covers over her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and left". She looks at me and says "Oh, ok. Wait, WHAT"!! She turns to me and she looks pissed. "Look Kyla, it was just a kiss on the cheek, I don't see what the big deal is and anyways she won't remember any of it". I tell her to go to sleep and turn off the lights and go to bed , Kyla will have to deal with this tomorrow cause I'm tired.

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