Beelzebub First School

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Another school day in his preschool for Beelzebub. Today he is brought by Stolas who kindly offered to accompany him to school.

A black limousine pulls up in front of the preschool for a young demon.

"Thank you very much for taking me to school, Mr. Stolas." He thanks the owl demon.

"Please, little Beel just call me Stolas." The hell kitten disembarks from the vehicle and joins his friend.

"Yo T-Bone." He greets his young skeletal friend with the black cap. "Has there been any change during my absence?"

The two do a high five and their sign.

"As usual, the lessons are the same, we got a new teacher and Bash is really a big jerk. You tested the new robot, did you talk to me?"

"Yes he is facing Robo Frizz in Loo Loo Land which he is ready for the next tournament and I got some new material to build a second one."


The two see a cyclop in a cool jacket brutalizing another student by pulling him on his underpants.

"I love to hear a geek screaming in the morning. Next!" He takes the pound of the eyed imp and puts them in the trash and so does the imp.

Bash and his gang enter the education building.

"This Bash moron is really annoying. He keeps pissing off everyone. Yesterday he put my head in the toilet and buried it underground next to the doghouse and gave my bones to his dog. "

"If I could, I will make him pay for all the humiliations he did to us."

The demon kitten and the young skeleton enter the building as well. The first class is with Madame Mayberrie.

To his surprise, his teacher is Madame Mayberrie. A former client of her father who hired to kill Martha, the person responsible for her divorce and her death.

(Ironically she found a job as a teacher in hell.) Beel thought that, in her inner life, she was a teacher in the living world.

The pink demon was writing the lesson on the blackboard.

"We are going to work on mathematics. "

The schoolchildren write on their sheet, after finishing they give it to the teacher.

Beel and Bone had already completed their written work. The next class is the gym.

The school children jogged around the gym five times. Dinner time. Bash forces the students to give their lunch.

"You give me your lunch or else it's my fist you will eat!" He orders the schoolchildren.

The creatures in the cafeteria have no choice but to do so because they don't want to be hit by the Cyclops or his gang.

The cyclops spits wet pieces of paper on half of the class.

"Cat, give me your meal." Bash orders Beelzebub but he refuses.


"Listen, shit, I advise you to give me your meal or else you'll eat my fist in your mouth!"

"I refuse. "

"You'll see."

In French classes. The schoolchildren work on their writing of verbs. While Beel was writing, the Cyclops threw paper balls at the hell kitten.

(Ignore, Ignore it.) He concentrates on work.

The bell rings to announce the break. And during this short minute of relaxation, Bash will annoy the school computer club.

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