Talking to her

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New doctor: y/n, I jus-

*you cut her off* 

y/n: No. I don't want to hear it. Keep it to yourself Arizona, I don't want to hear 'i'm sorry', okay? That's old, we're adults now so please act like one. How about this, you don't talk to me; I don't talk to you, unless it's about work. I don't want to sit with you during lunch, I don't want to be the one you call in a crisis, none of that. Okay?

Arizona: y/n..

y/n: No, don't y/n me, you don't get to do that anymore. You know what you did, okay? So jusy drop it, and please stay away. 

Arizona:Okay if that's what you want, but I just say something? 

y/n: what?

Arizona: You look amazing and you never let me explain what happened, w-

*you cut her off again*

y/n: Arizona that's in the past and honestly i'm so over it, so just stop.

*with that you left the supply closet*

You walked away so quick. You ignored everyone when they asked you if you were okay and just kept walking. You went outside, ran over to a tree and threw up because of stress that you have. You went inside and went to the 'dark halls' where you found all of your friends that were talking. 

Cristina: What happened between you and blondie?

Meredith:Yea what happened?

Alex, Lexie and Jo: Yea tell us.

Jackson: Was she one of your hookups?

April:tell us, but only if your ready.

y/n: okay okay, i'll tell you, only if you guys promise not to tell everyone. Do you guys promise?

Everyone in sync: promise

y/n: okay we dated when she was a sophomore and I was in eighth grade, yes I know about the age gap but we didn't care. Before we got together we were like best friends and told each other everything, I told her things I wouldn't tell a single soul. Her parents loved me and I thought of her family as my family because of how welcoming they were. When she was a freshman in college we decided to break up, even thought we were already doing long distance ish already, we thought it would be best to break up. I told her about childhood and everything. She stood up for me when I didn't She helped me through so much and she is the reason why i'm here today because honestly is she wasn't there when I was ready to do when I was planning, then I wouldn't be here. Her parents are surgeons just like us. Melissa, her mom, is a fetal and cardio surgeon and Richard, her dad, is a neurosurgeon. Her older brother Micheal was always protective of us, at school, the park, anywhere honestly. Her little sister Sarah looked up to us and always asked us for advice or help. The youngest is Grace, she was six when we split up, but she was always a blast to be around. Her mom texts or calls me here and there to check on me because she was practically a mother to me. Melissa knew about my childhood and everything, she helped me and basically raised me. So yea, that's why I reacted the way I did when I saw her because I haven't seen her since her freshman year of college. So any questions?

Cristina:Yea when she pulled you into the supply closet, what happened? 

y/n: I told her that I didn't want to her the 'i'm sorry' anymore and that we won't talk unless it's about work. 

Alex:Why? I thought you guys were cool or something. 

y/n: We broke up for another reason and she knows what she did but no one else knows but me and her and i'd like to keep it that way. 

Lexie: Wow, so what do you think is going to happen? 

y/n: Honestly, I don't know. I mean it is Arizona and she'll probably want to be on good terms. 

Meredith: Do you think you guys would get back together?

y/n: I don't know, I don't think so. 

Jo: So doctor blondie is a no no?

y/n: You guys can be friends with her if you want but don't expect me to do the buddy buddy things with her outside of work or even inside. 

April: Would you be upset if I invited her to girls night on Saturday?

y/n: I wouldn't talk to her like that. Again, I don't think we'd be friends. I would keep it civil but I also won't be all friendsy with her either. 

-Okay, lmao remember when I said I was tired of typing? Yea, see I got bored and decided to write another one. I like this chapter, lmk what you think of it. Any who, if you want to send me like ideas for upcoming chapters i'm open to that, I can't promise to write all of them though. Okay, so yea. Bye!  

Word count: 809

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