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PS ~you were still are Arizona's house ~

you were starting to stir, and you opened your eyes and had noticed you were in a different place but felt a pair of arms around you, you were thinking 'where in the hell am i? this isn't my house, who in the hell is holding me? i have to see' you grabbed your phone that was right next to you and opened the camera and pointed it just so you could see who it was. you were relieved that you weren't with a stranger and that you knew this person, you noticed that one of her eyes were opened so you turned yourself around. 

y/n: how long have you been up?

Arizona: for a while now but i wanted to keep holding you close before we had to talk about some things.

y/n: okay, wait talk. you sat up.  talk, talk about what? why? 

Arizona: okay okay, first calm down. breathe in... now breathe out. better?

y/n: okay, yea thanks. what are- what do we have to talk about?

Arizona: sweetheart, what are we, because first yesterday we were both yelling at each other for something stupid and here we are waking up together. what i'm saying is was the sleeping together was it to get threw some depression or something, or was it because you wanted to?

y/n: yea, i get it. i don't regret sleeping next to you last night. can we just forget the yelling and enjoy being together? 

Arizona: so your not mad at me anymore? 

y/n: i guess i'm not, but you don't win, i do.

Arizona: ok sure you do. so do you want to take it slow? 

y/n: yes please, what do you mean. i do win.

Arizona: we need to talk about one more thing. 

y/n: what about?

Arizona: she took a deep breath in,  i have a daughter 

y/n: what? a-a daughter? 

Arizona: yes she's 3, her name is Sofia, she should be coming here in about a couple of weeks and is staying permanently. I have full-custody of her. right now she's in New York with her other mom.

y/n: daughter? you felt numb, you didn't know what to say. it didn't seem real to you. but soon came to realize that there is going to be a kid, that is Arizona's

Arizona: hun? are you okay? i want to tell you now so you have a choice you; can stay with me or leave, but you have to know that i have a daughter. as much as i've waited for you i'm not going t-

y/n: i'll stay 

Arizona: really? you ar-

y/n: yes, i want to. i want to get to know her, but still can we take it slow? not like moving in you know all the fast moving relationships and than she'll hate that i'm here. i want her to like me first, so yes i'm staying but can we  take it slow? 

Arizona: of course we can baby. what time do you have to be in the hospital?

y/n: i don't have work today, do you?

Arizona: yea i have the night shift 

y/n: dang

Arizona: what? she said slightly laughing

y/n: i wanted to cuddle with you tonight 

Arizona: you still can

y/n: huh? how?

Arizona: if your up for it, you could pick up an extra shift and we could go into an on-call room and cuddle, if you want

y/n: ugh i guess i could work and get cuddles later, hmmm seems worth it. we have to make sure no one catches us though. 

Arizona: okay, no one will catch us, are you hungry?

y/n: no, just tired can we just lay here, together, watching TV? 

Arizona: of course love,

it was later and you left to go to your house to get ready for the extra shift you were picking up. you took a shower, after you got dressed, brushed you hair, ate something light so something was in your stomach, got in your car and starting driving to the hospital. you got there put on your scrubs and looked for Jo because you got bored sitting in the attendings lounge by yourself. you found Jo in the cafeteria drinking coffee and she was looking over a chart and than April sat down next to her so you went over and sat with them.

Jo: what are you doing here?

April: i thought you were off tonight?

y/n: i am, well was, i just decided to take an extra shift. 

April: oh okay, sounds about right because your a workaholic 

Jo: what did you do after everyone left last night?

y/n: well i took a shower, washed my hair, umm ate something, watched TV and went to bed.

Jo: oh so you didn't do anything else? 

April: nothing out of the ordinary?

y/n: no why? you guys are being weird 

Jo: Dr.Blondie is coming over here.

Arizona: hey Jo could you help me with a case for tomorrow?

Jo: ohh ummm i have a surgery tomorrow morning but i know y/n is free

y/n mouthing: 'i'm gonna kill you' she just laughed

Arizona: so? y/n? are you in for it? 

y/n: umm sure why not?

 you got a 911 page to the pit ~  

 y/n: what do we got? 

Owen: 14 year old female, GSW to the abdomen, and free fluid in the upper right quadrant 

y/n: let's get her up to the OR, now!

the surgery went well, no complications, there was some bleeders but you got them. you were tired it was almost 11 pm, so you decided to go into an on-call room and get some rest. you were sleeping for about an hour when you felt someone get into the bunk next to you and putting their arms around you. you turned around and smiled.

Arizona: hey you

y/n: hey

Arizona: what happened in the pit?

y/n: umm a girl had a GSW to the abdomen and we rushed her to surgery and everything went well. did you have anything to do?

Arizona: no but i think we should get some rest, you look so tired 

y/n: i am, you look like crap 

Arizona: at least i look better than you

y/n: impossible, okay time to sleep

Arizona: goodnight baby

y/n: goodnight.

you put your head at the crook of her neck and she put her hands on your hips. you heard her little snores and couldn't help but want to laugh but didn't so she could get some sleep. soon after you feel asleep. you are happy, you were sleeping next to the woman whom you've waited for for a very long time. 

AN- okay so here is another chapter for yall. i hope you guys enjoy! i love you guys! if you guys do read this, this is a sign to get at least 9 hours of sleep tonight! any who lmk if this is a good chapter! XX <3 


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