Girl's Night

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You and your friends were having a girl's night. You have been waiting for this night all week and it just so happened to be on a Saturday, which also happens that tomorrow you have the day off. You were at the hospital in the ER with Jo and April, it was going slow so you brought up girl's night tonight.

y/n: Do we have to dress up? 

Jo: Yea, April you never told us what we were doing tonight.

April: Just dress casual. Also, I invited Arizona, y/n I hope you don't mind.

y/n: oh okay, I guess she could come, I mean it would be rude if we uninvited her. 

Jo: Just make sure Mer and Cristina know so they don't say something stupid. 

April: Okay remember were all going to your house y/n.

y/n: oh we are? 

April: Don't you remember?

y/n: ummm April, was this one of the plans we planned while I was drunk? All I remembered that girls night was tonight tbh.

April: Maybe you were.

Jo: You most definitely were drunk because remember it was planned the day before Dr.Blondie came to work. 

April: OOOHHH Yea!! I remember 

y/n: Well I don't, clearly. 

Jo: That night was fun.

y/n: Is it bad I don't remember getting home that night? 

April: well your you, so maybe not?

y/n: Okay whatever, I just want this day to be over. I jus-

Jo: shush shush, blondie coming ahead. 

Arizona: Hey April, so what time do you want me to meet you? 

April: Ummm one moment. 

*Whispering to eachother* 

April: What time do you want us to come by? 

y/n: I don't care just as long as I get home bahaha.

Jo: haha good one. maybe 7? 

April: I get off at 5. Hold on.

*Not whispering* 

April: Arizona, what time do you get off?

Arizona: I get off at 5.

April: Jo and y/n what time do you guys get off?

y/n and Jo: 5

April: So come to my house at 6 and we'll go to y/n's house. 

Arizona: oh uh okay.

*You were home and were almost done getting ready when the doorbell rung* 

April: Hi, we are a little early but I brought tequila so you'd let me through the door.

y/n: we? 

April: Yea, Arizona and I were coming together. Remember? 

y/n: Oh yea, i'm dumb. Come in and April you know me wayyy too well. 

Arizona: I didn't know what to bring so I brought red wine. So umm here you go. 

y/n: You didn't have to bring anything but thank you, come in. 

Arizona: Your welcome y/n. 

y/n: Okay April, you know your welcome to do whatever, so just make yourselves comfy and i'm going to finish curling my hair because I look ridiculous with just half of it curled. 

April: No worries take your time, again were here early. Also Jo said Altman and Bailey heard about girls night so now they're coming as well because they were asked. 

y/n: By who? 

April: I don't know, probably Cristina today's her day off and she was drinking. Is it okay if the come? 

y/n: I mean I guess they could come. All I know is that I don't have to worry about getting home. Also Arizona.

Arizona: Yea? 

y/n: You look pretty. 

Arizona: thanks, you do too.

y/n: Thank you. 

*everyone was here and you all had a bit to drink, some were tipsy and some were beyond that* 

Miranda: We should play a game

Teddy: What kind of game?

Cristina: Game? Why?

Meredith: OMG wait we could do truth or dare!!!

Lexie: YESSS

y/n: I'm in, anyone object?

*everyone agreed and you guys started play* 

Teddy: Cristina truth or dare? 

Cristina: Dare duhh

Teddy: I dare you to show the last picture you have on your phone 

Cristina: oh that's easy 

Cristina: oh that's easy 

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Meredith: OMG BAHAHA 

y/n: wth, why does your face look like that? 

Cristina: okay okay children lets play. ummm Arizona, truth or dare?

Arizona: dare 

Cristina: I dare you to kiss someone in this room

Arizona: Sure 

-Im going to leave ya'll on a cliff hanger!! MWAHAHAHA. This chapter went by quick, I think I should write longer chapters. Anywho, any ideas on who's she's gonna kiss? I know duhh. Anywho, here is another chapter for y'all. Bye!

Word Count: 743

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