Morning After

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Most importantly I woke up in the arms of Arizona Robbins. I turned around still in her arms and reached for my phone to turn off the alarm. I turned back around and gave her a kiss.

"Hey babes it's time to wake up." I said but instead she just nuzzled closer to me. "No, no, no.
Five more minutes baby." she said in her morning voice. She has hair covering her face, so I delicately started taking them off. After a couple minutes of me admiring her sleeping it was time to get up.

"Baby wake up. It's time to start getting ready." I said. She looked down at me and kissed the top of my head. "Okay give me like 2 more minutes to wake up." she said looking outside the window. I took this as my shot to kiss her. I leaned up towards her she looked me in the eyes and I kissed her.

"You up yet?" I asked looking at her once we pulled away. "Oh wait I think i need one more." she said leaning in. The kiss started getting heated. She pulled me by my waist closer to her. I cupped her face in my hands and tried to pull her closer. But I wanted more. I straddled her lap whilst still kissing. Until I heard the door open.

"Ahaemmmm ma'am's" I heard TJ say. Putting my head in my hands, arizona just smiled at me. "TJ!- One. Two. Th-" "Okay fine i'll leave" he said whilst closing the door. "You should've locked the door yesterday" I said pointing my finger at arizona. " ugh 'you should've locked the door yesterday' blah blah blah. Come on get up and get ready" she mocked. "Are you mocking me right now?" I deadpanned. playfully pushing her back down, making her lay down, again.

" ' are you mocking me right now?' " she mocked again. "Okay keep it up. watch." I said whilst getting off of her and into the bathroom. "Oh?" she said following me. "Oh no, you stay outside of the door." I said whilst pushing her in a playful manner outside of the door frame. "Oh come ons baby I was just playing around" she pleaded. "Nope. No shower sex for you. You were being mean." I said.

"Oh my god. baby please. You do it all the time." she begged. After a couple minutes of her pleading and begging, I folded.

Once we were in the shower she pushed me against the wall. She started kissing down my neck. "Mmmhhh yes" I breathed out. I felt her smile against my skin. I put my arms around her neck and my hands in the hair. She started kissing me roughly. She put her knee in between my legs.

She pressed her knee against me. "Oh-" I breathed out. she started rubbing her knee along me. But i wanted more of her. I pulled her hair back slightly and she stop what she was doing. She put her knee down and untangled herself from me.

"Wait what's wrong?" I asked. She turned around. her back was now facing me. I hugged her from behind and gave her a kiss on her back. "You okay babes?" I asked putting my head on her shoulder. I heard her sniffle.

"Hey hey hey what's wrong baby?" I asked turning around to see arizona in full tears. It hurts to see her like this. "Talk to me." I said pulling her in a hug. She started sobbing. I just held her close. After about an hour of her crying whilst I hold her in the shower, she calmed down enough to understand what she was going to say.

"Hey baby, do you wanna talking about it?" I asked. "y/n, your going to know why i'm crying as soon as i say why." she said into my chest. "tell me baby. let it out." I said stroking her hair. She took a deep breath in.

"When we were having our moment earlier.... I thought about todays date. I knew today felt weird but I couldn't put my finger on it til you know our moment." she explained, taking a moment to breathe. "It's okay babe take the time. i'm not going anywhere." I reassured her.

"Today, is the day that Timothy died." She said starting to sob again. That's when it hit me. Her brother.  I felt like a bad girlfriend for forgetting. I just held onto her tighter. After she calmed down and let most of her emotions out, we got up and I washed her hair for her. We finished our shower and got out. She started getting ready for the day, but she wasn't okay enough to go to work. yeah she didn't say it but I knew.

"Hey why don't we take the day off?" I said. She nodded her head 'no' and started doing her makeup. "No babe stop. Come on just today?" I said taking her concealer out of her hand. She let a few tears slip. she nodded her head again 'no'.

"I'm fine. I'm good babe promise" she tried to convince whilst taking the concealer back. "No baby stop fighting it. Come one today can just be about us. Stop torturing yourself." I said taking her concealer out of her hands. I grabbed her face  gently so she could face me. "Please if not for yourself than for sofia or me. but baby you need a break. You're not fine my love." I responded.

"y/n, baby" she said cupping my face. "I love you so much baby. don't say it back. Your so good. Your like my little baby, I love it. So let me be, please." she said kissing my forehead with a tear stained face. "Let me take care of you for once." I said looking up at her, she smiled.

"I'm okay baby, really." She tried to convince. I knew I should've stopped her from getting ready but I didn't want her to be mad at me. I knew one person who'd get her to get out from work, who also happened to be in the city. Some time has gone by and we were already late for work so we took our time. Arizona was downstairs so I took this as my chance to call her.

*On the Phone*
person: hello?
y/n: Hey Melissa it's me y/n.


A/N: Okay so I got any idea an hour ago and this is phone the chapter turned out. if there's any spelling mistakes or something doesn't sound right- i'm running off of an hour of sleep so bare with me😭.

PS: i've never ever written smut or anything like that soooo yk just bare w me😭

word count: 1141

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