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I sat in the car, phone in hand, letting it ring. It's like i was frozen. I knew mentally I wasn't ready to deal with my parents. I didn't want to have to answer and hear about my mom telling me all about my flaws, criticizing my life decisions and more. I felt arizonas hand brush against my arm. I looked up at her. Her eyes met mine.

"Hey, are you going to answer?" she asked. My eyes stayed on hers. I nodded my head 'yes' as soon as I was going to answer the call went to voicemail. "Thank god" i breathed out, you could tell I was nervous just by looking at me. I sat there in the moment still, staring into her ocean blue eyes. I could tell she was deep in thought. I felt tears well in my eyes from everything that's happened. Its like everything just hit me at once. A pool a emotions that's overflowing. Then in that moment my phone rang again. I looked down at my phone, it was my mom again. I answered and put my phone up to my ear, slowly.

y/n: hello?
mom: y/n, hello. I've wanted to inform you that we'll be visiting this week.
y/n: we'll?
mom: your father and i as well as a few of your siblings. be prepared.
y/n: why? did I do something wrong?
mom: Because we can. I don't know, did you?
y/n: Okay well mom I have to work. bye.
mom: wai-
End of the conversation-

I looked up at arizona.

"Well?" Arizona spoke. I just stared at her, I felt as a couple tears slipped and ran down my face. "You okay babe?" She said whilst cupping my cheek with her hand. Arizona knew I never had a great relationship with my family. So it's always hard when they come to visit, I always feel like they're everywhere. Restricting me from doing the things I want to do, or wearing what I feel comfortable in.

"Hey let's go home, I'll drive." She said hopping out of the passengers seat and to my side. I just stared at her, she started to help me unbuckle my seat belt and carried me to the other side. she put my seatbelt on and got in the drivers seat. She put the car in drive and started driving back to my house. The whole time I kept looking outside the window and thought. I thought about my childhood, how badly my family treated me and how they didn't want me. My eyes pooled with tears, I held them back as best as I could, but some slipped. I kept looking out the window until i felt Arizona's hand on my thigh, I looked at her and in return I received a soft smile. I shifted and put my head on her shoulder. As we pulled into my driveway, I felt something different like something was off, but I continued and got out of the car.

As I made my way to the door, i could still sense something was off but I let it go. I unlocked the door and let everyone in but they stopped staring at the living room. I walked in and closed the door behind me. Arizona and TJ were still looking at the living room so I asked.

"What are you guys looking at? is it casper?" I joked at first. I walked towards them and looked in the living. It's when I saw them, I took a step back in shock. I felt a wave of emotions wash over me. I just wanted to run and hide, never come out. But, we can't always have what we want, at some point we must face our fears. Even if it hurts.

"Hola hija." she spoke. I felt too stunned to speak. I felt everyone's eyes on me, but I found some courage. "Hi mom." I breathed out.

A/N: okay so Happy Holidays!!! i know this is a short chapter but I have another one i'm posting tomorrow, I think. I love you all!! XX
word count: 695

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