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*On the Phone*
person: Hello?
y/n: hey melissa, it's y/n
melissa: y/n? honey are you okay? your whispering, where are you?
y/n: no i'm okay. i'm home. it's arizona. I know this is like that i'm snitching but she's not okay.
melissa: what's wrong with her?
y/n: she's crying and well you know what today is and i know it's hard for you guys we all miss him but she refuses to stay home and I jus-
melissa: she's stubborn, if she wants to work let her. She always thinks she knows best.
y/n: but it's just th-
melissa: y/n honey, she won't stop until she gets her way. it's the way she is. please just bare with her today.
y/n: yeah. thanks.
melissa: of course. I hope to see you two soon. I miss you all.
y/n: I miss you too and i'm sure arizona and Sofia miss you as well.
melissa: Take care of yourself y/n.
y/n: I will. thank you.
melissa: anytime.
*End of call*

I heard arizonas footsteps walking up the stairs so I had to look as if I was about to leave.

"Hey you okay?" she asked. "I could say the same to you but you won't talk about it or or even let yourself have a break.  it's not your fault he died arizona. stop blaming yourself already." I replied sitting on the edge of the bed and she stood there stunned at my words. "I'm sorry that was ignorant." I said looking at my lap. she walked over to the bed, where I was sitting and lifted my chin.

"No it wasn't. I- baby, it's just- I don't really like to talk about him today or any day. If we can get through the work day then i'm all yours tonight. Is that okay baby?" she asked. placing her hand on my head. "No it's not. can we please just call out of work. I'm having a bad feeling about today. Maybe we could meet up with your mom and bring her here and she could spend the day with us and Sofia?" I asked. She laughed.

"Babygirl, I love you. Your such a cutie. If you want to do that, then yes I will call out. If it's that much of importance to you, I will. We could get Sofia from April and meet up with my mom. Wait- how did you know or how do you know my mom is in town? I didn't even know." she explained. "I love you too babes. Plus umm she texted me last night before our date." I said to her. "Hmmm okay." she said sitting down and leaning on the pillows. i straddled her lap.

"Please don't be hard of yourself." I said whilst giving her a kiss. "I know it's just sometimes I feel like i'm not trying hard enough or that i'm not enough. That everything is my fault. Every mistake or just everything in general. Then you know there's  work, sofia, and today. it's just, hmph everything just hit me this morning baby." she explained. I gave her another kiss whilst cupping her cheek in my hand. We pulled away and I looked her in the eyes still holding her face.

"Arizona Robbins, you are enough. If no one can see that or love you for the way you are. Fuck them. I love you, it shouldn't matter what those haters have to say. they just want your attention. don't pay them no mind. Your mine and i'm yours, forever. Nothing is your fault. You couldn't have known tim would die. Work, that word alone is self explanatory. If anyone and I mean anyone says something else to you, today or next week. Or whenever you don't or can't handle it yourself, find me. No one should ever make my girlfriend feel like this. I really hope you understand that your enough for me and your the only I want for the rest of my life. I love you so very much arizona." I explained to her. She had tears welled in her eyes. She leaned into me and I leaned too. We shared another sweet loving kiss. We pulled away when we needed air.

"Y/n L/n, I'm so happy I've found you...again. I don't plan to ever let you go. Your the love of my life. The same thing also goes to you. Thank you for always noticing when I need to step back and make me as well. You know me more than I know myself. I love you so much baby." she responded. She laid us down on the bed and took off her shoes.

"Can we just lay in bed for a few?" I asked. "yes baby. anything you want my love." she said. I nodded. We tangled ourselves in each other whilst watching "Harry Potter." about 1/4 way into the movie, arizona had fallen asleep with her head on my chest. I took a picture of her and shut my eyes as well.


A/N: hey everyone i'm rlly sorry for leaving u guys on cliff hangers and not updating in a while. i've been having a rlly tough time lately mentally and physically. schools been stressful but i wanted to update u guys. ty all for ur support!! I love u all!! if u ever need to talk i got u! XX

word count: 916

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