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It has been a couple days since Arizona had shown up and you still don't know how to feel about her being here. She has been keeping her distance like you asked, and you haven't work on any cases with her. You have noticed her in the halls and have been overthinking about what happened that night when you guys decided to break up, 'what if I had just listened to her? would we have still been together?' . You are unsure and not ready to talk about it just yet. You were sitting on a stretcher doing some paper work when Jo came to join you. 

Jo: What's up?

y/n: Nothing I guess.

Jo: Are you okay?

y/n: Yea, i'm fine.

Jo: No your not 'fine' , ever since Dr.Blondie came to work here, you haven't been yourself. So tell me what's upsetting you.

y/n: Look Jo, you're right i'm not okay. You're right i'm not happy, even when I looked happy, I knew deep down I wasn't happy. Yes since Arizona showed up it has become noticeable, because I know she would know and that's what scares me because she can tell just by looking at me. 

Jo: Oh y/n, you don't have to be scared. Don't you think it'd be a good thing? I mean do you still like her? If you do I think you should try again, now I don't know what happened between you but she looks like a good person. 

y/n: I know I shouldn't be scared, but I don't know. She is a nice person and that's why I can't let her see that i'm scared because then the questions and she'll try to help me and I don't need that right now. 

Jo: You never answered my one question.

y/n: Which was?

Jo: Do you still like her?

y/n: no, yes, wait, no, wait maybe?

Jo: If you do, take your time and then maybe become friends and take it from there? 

y/n: You don't understand- 

Nurse Olivia: I'm sorry to interrupt doctors, but Dr.y/n someone is looking for you.

y/n: Do you know who it is? 

Nurse Olivia: Ummm, she said her name was Melissa. 

Jo: Melissa?

y/n *hushed voice* : Arizona's mom

Jo: ooooohhhh okay

y/n: Umm okay take me to her Olivia. 

Nurse Olivia: Alright, follow me doctor.

She took you to the lobby and there she was, Melissa, you haven't seen her in forever. The last time you saw her was about a couple years ago , but only because she was doing a surgery near by and asked you to have lunch with her to catch up. You couldn't believe it, it's like everything was unreal, then you saw Micheal and wow he grew up. You finally decided to go up to them and say hello.

y/n: Hey guys.

Melissa: Oh my god! y/n! You look so different, in a good way, of course. Can I have a hug? 

y/n: Of course you can have a hug. Thank you, you look great as well. Mike, you look different. 

Micheal: Ohh y/n, you look better not so much like a dork. haha

y/n: Oh my god, not that nickname stop. "Haha" very funny at least I look better than you. 

Melissa: Look Micheal, see a surgeon.  Can you show us around? I mean if your not too busy.

Micheal: I see that mom.

y/n: Sure! Yea a general surgeon Mike.

Micheal: Ya don't have to rub it in, i'm a dermatologist. Way better.

y/n: awww your a derm person. Surgery is hardcore, I get to brag. Anywho, follow me.

You showed them almost everywhere, you guys went into some galleries so you can guys could watch some surgeries. You guys were walking down the stairs when Melissa asked you a question.

Melissa: Hey, we're getting a bit hungry if you don't mind could you show us the the cafeteria?

y/n: Yea me to, let's go.

You guys got to the cafeteria and sat down and started eating. You noticed your friends and wanted to go sit and tell them everything, but you didn't want to be rude. So you sat there with them. Then someone walked up you couldn't see because the person was behind yo but you had a feeling you knew who it was. 

Melissa: Oh hey pumpkin 

Arizona: Hey mom. 

Melissa: You work here? I thought you worked at Seattle Pres.

*Arizona sat down next to you

Arizona: Oh hey y/n, mom I work here because Richard gave me a better offer that I couldn't turn down. Micheal, your here, why?

Micheal: I can't come see my little sisters? 

*Micheal always thought of you as a little sister, should've mentioned it earlier but never did*

Arizona: I'm just surprised that's all, y/n if you want to go sit with your friends you could. 

Melissa: Arizona don't be rude, y/n if you want to stay your more than welcomed to. 

*your pager went off* 

y/n: I'm sorry, i'd love to stay but I have to go. 

You practically ran out of there, turns out it was a page from Meredith to meet her in the basement. You got there and saw Jo, Cristina, and Meredith sitting there. Probably wanting some answers. 

y/n: hey guys

Meredith:Who were those people you were with all day today, 

Jo: Yea, who were they. You were laughing and showing them around. Are they going to work here?

Cristina: Yea, and when I saw you sit with them at lunch then saw Arizona go. I got confused, so if you don't mind we really wanna know. 

y/n: The woman, was Arizona's mom, Melissa. The boy who was there, was Arizona's brother, Micheal. 

Jo: Why were you showing them around and eating lunch with them? 

Cristina: Yea, why didn't blondie show them around?

y/n: They didn't know Arizona worked here. I was showing them around because they wanted to see how this place runs. Plus I was eating lunch with them because we were catching up and all. Also, Arizona just walked up and sat down, talked a bit, then I got a page from Mer. 

Meredith: So you and blondie are friends?

y/n: No, I don't think so, maybe?

-So I don't know about this chapter. I've reread at least twice and didn't know if you guys would like it. lmk if you do, but I thought maybe it would've been a good idea to bring some of Arizona's family in this. And yes, left on another cliff hanger, mainly because i don't know what to put lmao, i gotta come up with something. anywho lmk if you guys like it! bye!

Word Count: 1114

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