Thats how the world works.

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That little voice inside our head, telling us to be safe and not jump off a pier.
Making sure we don't add mass amounts of alcohol into cupcakes. That voice making sure that we take care of ourselves. We've all tried and tried to remove it, burn it if you will.

But you can't.

That voice stays in our heads. Constantly annoying us, "don't put your head in a deep fryer.", "don't eat that, it's poisonous." Well here's the solution: become that voice. Become the voice and infest someone else's mind.

That's the way.

And it carries on. Each generation of humans get a voice and give it to the next. It's an endless dominoes affect.

It's how people manipulate another. It never stops. One forces another into something the opposite of what they wanted to do. That's how the world works.

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