01: The True Violet Toretto

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It had been a few weeks since the events that toke place

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It had been a few weeks since the events that toke place. Violet had been spending the whole time the locked up in the house watching films, eating ice cream in a massive jumper and messy bun. Violet was still trying to get over Brian. She really fell in love for him only to get her heart broken. Violet was watching the last series of 'gossip girls' when they was a knock on the door. Violet groans before standing up and going over to the door. She opens it to see Alec.
"What are you doing here, Alec?" Violet asks with a sigh.
"I heard what happened. I wanted to make sure you are okay." Alec tells her. "Are you okay?"
"You might want to come in. It's a long story." Violet says before opening the door more to let Alec in.
Alec steps inside before Violet closes the door then they sit down on the sofa.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Alec asks looking at Violet as she looks down.
"Everything has just came crashing down. It was like one moment everything was great but then the next everything went wrong." Violet says still looking down.
"Hey look at me." Alec says placing his hand under Violet's chin so she is looking at him.  "Everything will be okay. You will get through this."
"How do you know I will?" Violet asks.
"Because not only are you a Toretto but I have known you my whole life and you are the strongest person I have ever met." Alec tells her. "This is only a bump in the road. Sure their will be more but guess right. They only make you strong."
"Thanks Alec." Violet says with a small smile before hugging him.
"Of course, Violet." Alec says hugging her back with a smile.
"Do you want to come meet some of my friends?" Alec asks as they pull apart.
"I look like a mess and can't be bothered to get ready so maybe another day." Violet says.
"Let me rephrase that. You are coming to meet some of my friends." Alec says standing up before grabbing Violet's hands and pulling her to her feet. "Come on."
"Fine." Violet says laughing grabbing her phone if the table in front of her and going over to put her shoes and coat on.
"I promise it will make it better." Alec says as Violet grabs her bag off the banister.
"I don't know if I trust you but I guess it won't hurt." Violet says as they leave the house.
"Don't worry it will." Alec says as they get to his car and he opens the door Violet.
"Okay." Violet says before getting into the car. "Thanks."
"No problem." Alec says before closing the door and going round to his side of the car.

After a few minutes they get to a cafe and get out the car and Alec looks the door then they head inside.
"There they are." Alec says point to a table with three people sitting down before they head over to them causing them all to look up.
"Hey guys. This is Violet. Violet these are my friends Jason, Ellie and Layla." Alec says introducing everyone.
"It's lovely to meet you Violet." Ellie says getting up and hugging Violet.
"We have heard so much." Layla says doing the same as Ellie after Ellie and Violet had pulled apart.
"It's lovely to meet you guys to." Violet says with a smile as they all sit down.
They start talking and getting to know each other when after a few minutes Violet's phone goes off she looks down to see that Jakob was calling her.
"I'm so sorry but I have to take this." Violet tells them standing up.
"Of course take all the time you need." Jason says before Violet smiles and walks away.

"J?" Violet asks walking out of the cafe.
"Hey Vi. Miss you." Jakob replies.
"Miss you to, J." Violet says with a smile hearing one of her brothers voices again.
"How's Mia and Dom?" Jakob asks.
"I haven't seen them for a few weeks so I am not sure." Violet says sitting down on a bench in front of the cafe.
"What?" Jakob asks.
"A lot of stuff has happened so we all went out separate ways. I haven't seen them since." Violet explains.
"Well  do you want to come back England?" Jakob asks.
"No. I need to stay. I can't come back. I need to move on from my past. I also need to find who I am as a person. If I come back I won't. I hope you understand." Violet explains.
"Of course I understand Vi. Go and get them. Go show them who the true Violet Toretto is. I am so proud of you." Jakob tells her.
"Thanks J." Violet says with a smile. "I love you."
"Love you to, Vi. Call you tomorrow okay?" Jakob tells her.
"Okay. Bye." Violet says.
"Bye."  Jakob says before Violet hangs up.

Violet let's out a small smile before going back inside the cafe.

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