11: Snap Surprise

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It had been a week since Alec had left Violet and she hasn't seen him since

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It had been a week since Alec had left Violet and she hasn't seen him since. All she had been doing is walking around the house trying to keep herself distracted. She was sitting on the sofa scrolling through her phone when there was a knock on the door.
"Coming!" Violet called pushing herself up off the sofa.
She goes over to the door and sees Ellie and Layla standing there.
"Hey, Vi." Layla says causing Violet to look at the both of them confused.
"What are you guys doing here?" Violet asks stepping to the side so they could enter the house which they both do.
"We came to see how you are. After everything that happened last week with Alec." Ellie tells her.
"I am absolutely fine." Violet says closing the door and walking back over to the sofa.
"Are you sure, Vi?" Layla asks.
"You know you can tell us anything." Ellie tells her.
"I know and I really am fine." Violet says sitting down followed by Layla and Ellie.
"Jason has gone to see Alec to make sure he is okay because we haven't seen either of you since it happened. So please just talk to us." Layla begs, as Violet looks down before looking up with tears in her eyes.
"I really like him. I really do but at the same time I just know I'm not ready for another relationship after everything that happened with Brian. He just doesn't understand that." Violet tells them.
"Believe me he does understand that. But he just feels like he can't just be friends with you." Ellie tells her.
"He just doesn't want either of you getting hurt. He thinks this is what's best for both of you until you are ready." Layla adds.
"Well it didn't work." Violet says standing up and going over to the stairs. "You guys can let yourselves out."
"Vi, wait." Ellie says with a sigh, as her and Layla also stand up.
"I don't want to talk about it anymore." Violet says, making her way up the stairs.
"Violet we just want to help you." Ellie tells her. "Please just let us help you."
"I don't want your help!" Violet shouts. "Just leave! Please!"
"Okay we will leave now. But we will be back." Layla tells her as her and Ellie make their way to the door to leave.
"Do whatever you want but I might not be here." Violet says as she makes it to the top of the stairs and looks back at them.
"What do you mean you might not be here?" Ellie asks.
"I might be going back to England." Violet says, before walking away from the stairs.
"Wait what!" Ellie shouts, while her and Layla run upstairs after Violet to see her entering her room. "Violet wait!"
"Go away." Violet snaps before closing and locking her door after she had entered.
Ellie and Layla look at each other and sigh before going back downstairs and leaving the house.

Violet Heads back downstairs once she knows Ellie and Layla had left. She was about to watch a movie when there was a knock on the door. Violet sighs before getting up and going over to the door.
"I told you already to go away." Violet says, before she sees who was there. But when she gets a proper look so is shocked. "J! Lils!"
"Hey Vi." Lily says with a smile.
Violet jumps into her arms as she begins to cry.
"What are you guys doing here?" Violet asks pulling away from Lily and hugging Jakob.
"We came to surprise you." Jakob tells his little sister.
"Well it's definitely is a surprise." Violet says with a laugh pulling away from her brother. "Come in."
Lily and Jakob follow Violet into the house.
"Nice Christmas decorations Vi." Lily says with a smile while looking around the room.
"Thanks." Violet says noticing their bags. "Here! Let me take these. I'll show you guys to your rooms."
"It's okay Vi. We can carry them you just show us to our rooms." Jakob tells his little sister.
"Okay." Violet says before leading them upstairs.
She shows them Lily's room first then Jakob's. she leaves them to get settled in and she goes downstairs. When Lily and Jakob had both came downstairs they watch a film before going to bed.

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