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It had been about a month since Violet went to the cinema with Ellie, Layla, Alec and Jason

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It had been about a month since Violet went to the cinema with Ellie, Layla, Alec and Jason. Bethany had come back from see her family for a couple of weeks as her house was getting done. Her house still wasn't completely finished so she was spending a couple of nights at Violet's until it was finished. It was now the morning after Bethany got back and she was awake and burst into Violet's room while she was still sleeping.
"Violet! Wake up! I need your help!" Bethany shouts causing Violet to sit up quickly.
"Why? What's up is everything ok?" Violet asks sitting up.
"I have a date." Bethany says with a smile while sitting down on the bed.
"What! With who?" Violet asks.
"Someone I met a little while ago." Bethany tells her while standing up.
"Is that all I get? No name?" Violet asks.
"Nope now come on!" Bethany says grabbing Violet's arm and dragging her out of the bed.
"Beth!" Violet says as she almost trips over the bits of the bed covers which had fallen on the floor. "Slow down!"
"I need to get ready!" Bethany says dragging Violet into the room she was staying in.
"What time are you meeting them?" Violet asks.
"In a couple of hours we are spending the morning at the beach then we are going to the movies this afternoon." Bethany explains.
"Is he picking you up from here?" Violet asks as she sits down on the bed.
"No I am meeting him at the shop down the road." Bethany says going over to her wardrobe.
"Can I come with you so I can meet him?" Violet asks.
"Nope. I love a good mystery?" Bethany tells her causing Violet to roll her eyes.
"Fine." Violet says laughing.
"Now which one?" Bethany asks holding up two outfits.
"I like that one." Violet says point to the one in Bethany left hand which was jeans and jean jacket and a crop top.
"Ok. I'll go get changed in the bathroom." Bethany explains hanging up the other outfit then going into the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

After a couple of hours Bethany had left for her date and Violet was sitting on her phone when there is a knock on the door. Violet puts her phone down on the coffee table before standing up and going over and answering the door. When she opens the door she sees Samuel.
"Hey Sam!" Violet says cheerfully. "Come on in. What are you doing here?"
"Am I not allowed to come see my best friend?" Samuel asks causing Violet to laugh.
"of course you are." Violet says with a laugh. "I just didn't know if there was another reason."
"Well there's not I just wanted to come and see you." Samuel says as they walk over and sit down.
"Ok. Do you want a drink?" Violet asks.
"Not for now." Samuel says.
"Ok. Well I have to pop to the post office later to post a letter to Lily. Do you want to come?" Violet asks. "We can go get lunch on the way back."
"Yeah sure." Samuel says.
"Ok I'll just go get my bag then we can get going and get lunch around 12:30." Violet tells Sam.
"Ok." Samuel says before Violet runs upstairs to get her bag.
Once Violet had come back downstairs they head of to the post office then go to a cafe for lunch.

Later that evening Bethany had come back from her date. They were both in there own rooms. Violet was reading a book when she heard something hit her window. She walked over and saw Alec standing in the front garden. Alec was looking up and when saw her in the window he smiled and waved before signalling for her to come down. Violet smiles and nods before walking away from the window and at of her room. At the same time Bethany comes out of her room.
"Hey. Where are you going?" Bethany asks.
"Alec is outside." Violet explains.
"Ok. Have fun." Bethany says before walking downstairs and into the kitchen while Violet follows her but goes outside instead.
"Hey." Violet says with a smile after closing the door and walking over to Alec.
"Hey babe." Alec says kissing Violet.
"What are you doing here?" Violet asks after they had pulled away.
"I missed you." Alec says.
"Awww. I missed you to." Violet says with a smile. "Why don't we go on inside. It's cold out here."
"Isn't Bethany here tho?" Alec asks.
"It's fine she will be in the guest room and we will be in my room." Violet tells him.
"Ok." Alec says before Violet smiles and they walk back to the house and inside hand in hand. As they do so Bethany was about to go upstairs.
"Hey lovebirds." Bethany says with a laugh.
"Beth!" Violet says also laughing.
"Ok, ok I'll leave you guys alone." Bethany says before harassing back upstairs.
Violet and Alec go to the kitchen and get drinks before going upstairs and going to bed after Violet had changed into her sleep wear.

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