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It was a couple days since the day at the beach and Violet couldn't get Brian out of her head

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It was a couple days since the day at the beach and Violet couldn't get Brian out of her head. Even though they weren't together that long they still managed to do so much together. Everyday they would sneak away from the team for a couple of hours and go somewhere. Wether it was the beach or a restaurant. They spent 24/7 together. So much it started to worry Dom as he didn't want his sisters heart to get broken. Which it did. Violet told everyone she was over Brian and she thought she was. But deep down she always knew she wasn't.

Violet was walking round the house trying to find something to distract her when there was a knock on the door. She sighs and goes to answer it to see Ellie. Layla, Charlotte and Ivy.
"What are you guys doing here?" Violet asks.
"Did you forget we had plans for the day?" Ellie asks causing Violet's eyes to widen.
"Of course I didn't I just forgot what day it was today. Come in let me grab my bag." Violet tells them before they walk into the house.
"You sure your ok Vi? You seem to have something on you mind." Ivy says.
"I'm good." Violet says.
"You sure? You can talk to us if you need to." Ellie tells her.
"I just can't get my ex out of my mind." Violet says sitting down before the others come and sit with her.
"Alec?" Charlotte asks.
"No. My ex before him. Brian." Violet says looking down.
"It's ok Vi." Ivy says hugging her.
"It's just the fact his already moved on." Violet says.
"How do you know that?" Layla asks.
Violet goes to the draw in the coffee table In front of her and pulls out the photo of Brian and the girl the person tormenting her sent her ages ago.
"This was taken a few months after we ended everything." Violet says handing the photo to Charlotte.
"I'm sure it's just edited." Charlotte tells her.
"Trust me this person is a lot worse then just editing photos. They know this would make me weak. This why they sent it. They want to kill me for something my brother did." Violet explains looking down.
"Why would they want to kill you for something your brother did?" Ivy asks.
"Family is everything to us Toretto's if anything happens to anyone we love it happens to us as well. They want to get to my brother. They want to hurt him. And they think the only way they can do that is hurt or kill me." Violet explains.
"Vi. You need to call you brother and tell him what's going on." Ellie tells her.
"I can't guys. He's on the run. If he knows what's going on he will come back and risk getting arrested and I can't let that happen." Violet says. "I think I'm just going to go get some fresh air. You guys go out without Me. I will be ok."
"Are you sure?" Layla asks.
"I'm sure." Violet says.
They all stand up and say goodbye and hug.
"Call us if you need anything." Ivy tells her hugging her.
"I will." Violet says before the girls leave.
Violet grabs her bag and heads out to her car and drives to a field that her dad use to take her, Dom, Jakob and Mia all the time.

Once Violet gets to the field she opens the get and parks the car inside before walking over to a patch of grass and sitting down with her knees to her chest and her arms resting on them.
A few minutes past and she hears people walk up to her. She looks up to see Samuel and Blake.
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Violet asks.
"The girls called us and said they were worried about you so we got your location and came to see you." Blake explains.
"Violet what's going on?" Samuel asks.
"I can't stop thinking about my ex." Violet tells them. "Sorry Sam, this is probably really weird for you seeing as you are also my ex."
"It's ok Vi. It's ok you moved on." Samuel tells her sitting next to her.
Violet sighs and brings her hand up to the side of her face and puts some hair behind her ear before shaking her head lightly.
"I just don't know what to do anymore." Violet says.
"It's going to be ok Violet. You are the strongest person I know. You will get through this." Samuel tells her before looking up and Blake signalling for him the day something.
"He's right, Violet. You really are going to get through this. And we will help you in anyway you need." Blake says.
"Thanks guys." Violet says before Samuel hugs her.

Violet drives home after spending a few more minutes in the field with Samuel and Blake before sitting down and watching films for the rest of the day.

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