32- Break In

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It was a few days after the anniversary or Jakob's death and Violet hadn't really seen anyone since that day

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It was a few days after the anniversary or Jakob's death and Violet hadn't really seen anyone since that day. She was getting ready when her phone went off. She looked to see that Blake was calling her. She puts down the makeup brush she was using before grabbing her phone and answering to call.
"Hey." Violet says.
"Hey Vi." Blake replies. "Do you want to meet up today?"
"Yeah sure I can meet you at a cafe in a hour." Violet tells him.
"Yeah sure. That sounds good to me." Blake says.
They decide what cafe they want to meet at before Violet hangs up.
She finishes getting ready before she leaves the house to meet Blake.

Violet was waiting in a cafe and sitting by the window she was looking out the window waiting for Blake to get there when her phone goes off she looks away from the window to her phone to see a message from the random number.

"Waiting for your new boyfriend are you? Are you cheating on Alec? Not only do you not truly love him but now you are cheating on him. Who knows what he will think if he ever finds out."

Violet puts her phone down as she hears the bell signalling that someone had walked in. Violet then spots someone sitting down next to her out of the corner of her eyes. She looks over to see Blake.
"Hey Vi." Blake says.
"Hey." Violet says with a fake smile before looking away.
"Hey. What's up?" Blake asks.
Violet looks at him with tears in her eyes before looking away and looking down again while shaking her head with tears still in her eyes.
"Just really missing Jakob at the moment." Violet replies.
"Are you sure that's all?" Blake asks.
"No. No its not." Violet says. "Just now... while I was waiting for you. I got a message."
"From who?" Blake asks.
"That's the thing I don't know. They think I'm cheating on Alec." Violet says.
"Oh. Well are you?" Blake asks.
"Of course I'm not!" Violet says.
"Has this person sent you any other messages?" Blake asks.
Violet looks at Blake wondering if she should tell him.
"No. Now they haven't." Violet says decided not to tell him as she can't even tell Alec.
"Are you sure?" Blake says sounding unconvinced.
"Yep." Violet says popping the p.
"Okay." Blake says before they sit in a awkward silence for a few minutes.
"Do you want to go back to mine and watch a film. I can ask the others if they want to come to." Violet suggests causing Blake to nod.
"Yeah. But let's not ask the others. They are probably busy anyway." Blake tells her.
"Oh okay. Let's go." Violet says before they leave to go back to Violet house.

After they get back to Violet house they get some drinks from the kitchen before sitting down and watching a movie.
"I'm just going up to the toilet." Blake tells Violet.
"Okay." Violet says before Blake heads upstairs and Violet starts to set up for the next film.
While Violet was putting the disk in the DVD player she heard something hit the window. She went over to look outside and saw a figure in a black hoodie standing at the end of the drive but she couldn't see the figures face. The figure runs away after a few moments before Violet goes to sit back down. As she sits back down there is a crashing should coming from the kitchen making her jump up again.
"Hello?" Violet calls while walking into the kitchen to see nobody there before the front door slams close causing Violet to jump and turn around again. She stands frozen in the kitchen for a few moments before Blake runs into the room.
"Everything okay? I heard loads of banging sounds." Blake asks before seeing Violet shaking. "Violet? You okay?"
"Yeah yeah. Let's just go watch a film." Violet says walking into the living room with Blake following her.
Violet puts the movie on after they both sat down and after Blake heads home and Violet goes upstairs and goes to bed.

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