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It was the day after Mia, Vince and Lily had left and Violet was hanging out with Samuel downtown

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It was the day after Mia, Vince and Lily had left and Violet was hanging out with Samuel downtown.
"Want to go get some food?" Violet asks as they walk past a restaurant.
"Sure." Samuel says before they walk in.
They find a table and sit down before ordering.
"So any new girls in your life?" Violet asks taking a sip of her drink.
"Not for me. What about you? How's things going with Alec?" Samuel asks.
"Not good. I'm thinking of officially breaking up with him." Violet says. "I'm thinking of going to his house tonight to do it." Violet explains.
"Well as long as you are happy." Samuel says.
"Yeah and I good thing is I won't have to see him for a few months as him and Jason are going backpacking all over Europe." Violet tells him.
"Well that's good." Sam says.
"I thought they would have invited you." Violet says.
"Your joking right? Do you not remember when Alec beat me up?" Samuel asks.
"Of course I do. I just thought they would I give you as a way to say sorry." Violet says.
"I've never been close with either of them. So I'm not surprised they didn't." Samuel says.
"At least we have time to catch up. For the past few months we have barley talked." Violet says with a smile.
"I know." Samuel says before his phone goes off he looks to see his mum calling him. "I got to take this. I'll be back."
Samuel walks away leaving Violet sitting here alone until someone walks over to her.
"Violet?" Someone asks.
"Alexa? What are you doing here?" Violet asks.
"Wanted to come see you? What are you doing today drinking?" Alexa asks.
"Soda." Violet says.
"Soda?" Alexa asks with a laugh. "What happened with the alcohol?"
"I've changed Alexa." Violet tells her "I'm not the same person I was when we were friends."
"Come on Vi. You can't of changed that much." Alexa. Says sitting down where Sam was just sitting.
"Ummm... that's seat is taken." Violet tells her.
"Ok." Alexa says moving to another seat. "So how's life? How are you?"
"Why are you acting like we are still friends?" Violet asks.
"Because we are aren't we?" Alexa says.
"I don't know." Violet says before Samuel comes back.
"Oh ummm... hey." Samuel says looking at Alexa.
"Hi I am Alexa Dunn. I was just catching up with my best friend Violet here." Alexa replies shaking Samuel hand.
Samuel and Violet look at eachother confused.
"So how did you guys meet?" Samuel asks causing Violet to get nervous.
"Well when we were 18..." Alexa starts before Violet cuts her off.
"Can I talk to you a minute Alexa, alone?" Violet asks causing Alexa to smile.
"Of course." Alec says.
"I'll be back in a minute." Violet tells Sam before her and Alexa walks away.

"So what's up, Vi?" Alexa asks.
"You can't tell Samuel about how we met." Violet tells her.
"We were just having some fun. Sam won't hate you for that. He won't judge you." Alexa says.
"Please. Just don't tell anyone." Violet begs.
"Fine. I won't tell anyone." Alexa says.
"I got to go. Here's my new number. Call me soon ok." Alexa says handing Violet a piece of paper with her number on.
"I guess You will see if I do or not." Violet says before walking back into the restaurant and back over to the table where Samuel was still sitting only this time the food was there.
"Everything ok?" Samuel asks.
"Yeah. Alexa had to go somewhere though." Violet tells him.
"Ok." Samuel says. "So how did you guys meet?"
"We just passed each other in the streets on day. That's all." Violet says.

After they finish their food they pay and leave. They stop in the middle of the pavement.
"I guess it's time." Violet says and Samuel smiles knowing what she meant.
"It will be ok." Samuel says. "And if it's not then at least he won't be here for a few months."
Violet laughs and looks away.
"Well I guess I will see you so soon." Violet says.
"Yeah good luck." Samuel says hugging her before they go their separate ways.

Violet makes it to Alec's house and knocks on the door before Alec answers.
"Violet?" Alec asks.
"Hey Alec. Can I talk to you. It will be quick." Violet tells him.
"Of course. Come in." Alec says.
"Is Jason in?" Violet asks.
"No he's out." Alec replies.
"Ok well as I said this will be quick so..." Violet says slowly looking away.
"What's up?" Alec asks.
"I think we should break up." Violet tells him.
"We have?" Alec says.
"We only toke a break. Now I thinks we need to break up." Violet explains to him.
"Wait? What why!? Why are you breaking up with me!? I thought you loved me!" Alec says.
"I did love you. But I just don't think this is working out between us." Violet says. "I think we were better of as friends."
"Ok. Well I guess I understand." Alec says.
"I got to go." Violet says. "See you around."

Violet leaves and goes home and flops down on her bed tears welling up in her eyes.

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