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It was a couple days after Violet had to go down to the police station

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It was a couple days after Violet had to go down to the police station. It was her 29th birthday and she was having a get together with all her friends. It was like a party just not a lot of people as most of their friends were still in London or other places in the world. They were all going to dress up in nice dresses and suits. Violet had rented out a hall for them to spend the evening. She was looking forward to it. She never really liked her birthday but for some reason this year felt different. But she couldn't tell if it was a good or bad different.

Violet was getting ready with Ellie and Layla who were talking excitedly.
"So how does it feel to be 29?" Ellie asks.
"It feels the same. It feels completely normal." Violet replies. "It's just a number."
"Omg you sound just like my nan!" Layla says causing all three girls to laugh.
"Gee, thanks. Doesn't make me feel old at all." Violet says.
"I though it was just a number." Ellie says teasingly.
"Shut up." Kaci says laughing chasing the other two girls to laugh as well.
"We are only joking Vi, you know we love you." Layla says.
"I know." Violet says flipping her hair causing them all to laugh.
"Ok well I am ready." Ellie says standing up. "I just need to go get dressed."
"Same here." Both Layla and Violet say at the same time.
"Ok so if you guys want to go to a spare room then we can all get changed at the same time meaning we can get down to the hall quicker." Violet tells them as they all grab their outfits.
"Yeah that sounds good." Layla says before her and Ellie leave the room.

Everyone was hanging out in the hall. Everyone besides Blake. Violet had still been trying to contact him, so was everyone else but no luck. He had gone completely off the grid.
"So who wants to play a game?" Toby asks.
"What type of game are you thinking?" Violet asks.
"Truth or dare." Ivy shouts causing everyone to laugh.
"We aren't children anymore Iv." William says still laughing.
"So it's fun." Ivy says.
"Can't argue with her on that." Ellie says in agreement.
"Ok we'll play truth or dare. Who wants to go first?" Violet asks.
"Seeing as I suggested it I will." Ivy says.
"Ok Ivy. Truth or dare?" Lucas asks.
"Wait what I thought you meant who's asking first." Ivy says causing everyone to laugh again.
"Nope." Violet says. "Truth or dare."
"I guess I will go with dare." Ivy says.
"I dare you to do the Sulten cracker challenge." Violet says.
"Ok. That's not to bad." Ivy says before she does the challenge.

They carry on playing a few more rounds until it is Violet's turn.
"Ok birthday girl. Truth or dare?" Samuel asks as everyone turns to look at Violet.
"Truth." Violet says sitting forward a bit.
"Who do you have a crush on?" Samuel asks.
"I'm still in love with my ex Brian." Violet answers honestly.
"Oh wow." William says.
"Isn't he the one who turned out to be a cop?" Ellie asks.
"You dated a cop!" Samuel says shocked.
"I didn't know he was a cop. Then when I found out we broke up and he ran off." Violet tells the group. "He's probably moved on."
"Hey guys." Everyone turns to the door the see Blake standing there.
"Blake." Violet says going over and hugging him tightly. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah." Blake says quietly.
"Where have you been, man. We've been trying to call you for nearly a week." Toby asks.
"It's complicated." Blake answers. "Violet, can I talk to you outside?"
"Anything you can say to her you can say to us as well, bro. We are basically a family." Samuel tells him causing him to nod.
"Ok." Blake says looking down briefly before looking back up. "You know You have been getting messages from a random number."
"Threating me. Yeah everyone here knows that." Violet says.
"Well... ummm..." Blake says nervously.
"Blake, what's going on man?" Lucas asks.
"The person is me." Blake says causing everyone to look at eachother.
"What?" Violet asks. "It can't be you."
"It is. I'm sorry but everything with Alec, Alexa, Everything in general was planned by me." Blake tells her.
"Why would you do that?" Violet asks.
"I'm close with Kenny Linder's daughter so they asked me and I said yes. But I started feeling bad. I wanted to stop but Kenny told me if I did he would ask someone who may actually kill you." Blake explains. "That's why there was loads of times you went weeks without the messages.
"I can't believe you." Violet says before walking out.
"Violet!" Samuel calls after her.
Blake goes to follow her but Samuel and Toby grab one of his arms each.
"You really think we are going to let you follow her?" Lucas asks before Samuel punches Blake in the face causing him to fall back a bit.
"Please. You can watch me to make sure I don't do anything. Just please. Let me talk to her. I need to explain why I did it." Blake begs before the others look at eachother.
"Fine." Ivy says.
Blake gives them a small smile before following Violet.
"Violet wait." Blake calls after her.
"What? What could you possibly have to say to me?" Violet asks turning to look at him.
"I want to explain." Blake tells her.
"Well I don't want to hear it." Violet replies.
"I loved Chloe. But then I started getting to know you and I feel for you. That's why I started torturing you in the first place because I thought that if I did Chloe would give me a chance." Blake explains.
"I got to go. Just don't come near me every again." Violet says before walking away leaving Blake standing there by himself.

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