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Today was Violet's 28 birthday

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Today was Violet's 28 birthday. It was safe to say she wasn't in the party mood. She was to distracted by finding out what was going on with Alexa and Blake. Ever since last week when she was at the beach with Ivy and Charlotte and they came over she has had a bad feeling about them. She doesn't know why. She hasn't had any messages from the person tormenting her for a little while now and that is what worries her. A thought that came across her mind was that Blake and Alexa was apart of the messages. Even if it was only a small part it in.

Violet was chilling out at home when the door burst open.
"Hey girl!" Ivy says as her, Charlotte, Ellie and Layla all walk in.
"Have you guys never heard of knocking?" Violet asks.
"We have and we did but you didn't answer." Layla tells her.
"How did you know I wasn't out?" Violet asks as she stands up.
"We heard the tv." Charlotte says as Violet walks over to them.
"I haven't got the tv that loud." Violet says grabbing the remote and turning the tv off.
"Yeah you did." Ellie tells her.
"Did I really?" Violet asks.
"Yes you did." Ivy tells her.
"Oh." Violet says looking down before looking back up. "Anyway what are you guys doing here?" 
"Do you really think we are going to miss your birthday?" Charlotte asks.
"I wasn't planning on celebrating I was just planning on it being any normal day." Violet tells them.
"When has Violet Toretto not celebrated her birthday?" Ellie asks.
"This year." Violet says before going over and sitting down.
"What's going on a Vi?" Layla asks.
"What do you mean?" Violet asks.
"You seem really distant at the moment." Ivy says as they all sit down.
"Just been feeling really tired." Violet says.
"Are you sure your ok besides that?" Ellie asks.
"Yep." Violet says popping the p.
"I'll go get us some drinks." Charlotte says before getting up and walking to the kitchen.
"Beer please!" Violet shouts turning round to look at the kitchen door.
"Got it." Charlotte shouts before coming back with a beer for each of them.
"Why don't I invite Samuel and Blake over to ours then we don't need to have a party just a small get together." Ellie says.
"Sure. Why not." Violet says thinking that she may finally have a chance to speak to Blake.
"Ok. Even tho I hate to say it we can even invite Alexa if you want and it's ok with Ellie and Layla." Charlotte says.
"It's fine with us." Ellie says.
"Yeah sure." Violet says.
"Ok. Let's go to our house." Layla says before they all leave and head to Layla and Ellie's house.

After a couple of hours everyone is at Layla and Ellie's house celebrating Violet's birthday. While they were playing a game of truth or dare Violet phone goes off with a message from the person who has been tormenting her.

"I'll give you a clue Toretto. I am closer then you think."

Violet looks around and sees Alexa with her phone in her hand. She looks around at the others to find that Alexa is the only one.
Violet quickly grabs her phone again and messages the number as soon as she sends it Alexa's phone goes off. Alexa looks at her phone and looks back up at Violet to see her looking at her.
"Everything ok?" Violet asks.
"Yeah." Alexa replies.
"You sure? You look like you've been caught about something." Violet asks standing up and walking over to her.
"Yeah. I'm sure." Alexa says clearly getting nervous before Violet grabs her phone and looks at it to see the message she had sent.
"Get out." Violet says throwing the phone back at Alexa.
"what's going on?" Ivy asks.
"Tell me why the hell you did this." Violet tells Alexa ignoring Ivy.
"Everything all your friends said about me is true. And I never changed. In fact remember when we were out and you started feeling really ill and Blake said I told him I found drugs in you bag?" Alexa asks standing up and walking closer to Violet.
"Yeah." Violet says.
"It was all me. I drugged you which made you feel ill then I said I found the frugs in your bag when I didn't." Alexa says.
"Why the hell would you do this?" Samuel asks standing up and going to stand next to Violet.
"Because. Her brother hurt a family that is very close to me." Alexa says.
"Yeah but that's her brother not her." Samuel says.
"You know how important family is to the Toretto's. If one of them gets hurt they all get hurt." Alexa says. "Anyway I'm going to go. Bye." Alexa grabs her things and walks out.
"You ok Vi?" Layla asks.
"Yeah I'm good." Violet says as her and Samuel sit back down next to each other.
"What was that about?" Charlotte asks.
"When I was a teenager I got messages from a random person for years..." Violet says.
"From Chloe Linder." Samuel says.
"Yeah. Anyway it started again and it was Alexa." Violet explains.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Blake asks.
"I had it under control." Violet explains. "Anyway let's forgot about this and move on and have a nice rest of the day."
They all agree and have a nice rest of the day.

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