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Violet was at home on her phone

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Violet was at home on her phone. She was waiting for Blake to get here because he had something to tell her. She was waiting for a few hours for him to get there but he didn't turn up. Violet was getting bored and annoyed so she decided to call him to see where he was.
"Hey Vi! What's up?" Blake asks after he answers the phone.
"Hey. Where are you? I've been waiting for a few hours now." Violet replies.
"Oh yeah! Sorry Vi I forgot to call you. I can't make it something came up." Blake tells her with a sigh. "Sorry."
"No it's ok. Just tell me next time." Violet says with a laugh.
"Don't worry. I will. Do you want to meet tomorrow instead?" Blake asks.
"Sure." Violet replies.
"Ok. See you tomorrow." Blake says.
"Bye." Violet says before hanging up the phone and standing up and going into the kitchen.

Violet was on a walk when she runs into Alexa.
"Hey. I was coming to see you." Alexa says.
"Hey." Violet says as they hug.
"What you up to?" Alexa asks as they both pull away from the hug.
"I was just going on a walk." Violet answers.
"Can I join?" Alexa asks.
"Sure." Violet says with a smirk. "If you can keep up."
With that Violet starts running causing Alexa to laugh and chase after her.
"Hey no fair! You got a head start!" Alexa says still running after Violet before finally catching up with her. "That was not fair."
"I thought you said you were the fastest person in the world." Violet says with a laugh.
"That was years ago. We were still teenagers then." Alexa says.
"We were 20." Violet reminds her.
"Shut up." Alexa says playfully hitting Violet's shoulder while they both laugh.
"So how are you?" Violet asks.
"I'm good." Alexa says. "How are you feeling? Have you talked to Alec?"
"No. And I don't plan to for a long time." Violet tells her looking down.
"Do it when you feel ready. And if he tries getting hold of you and your not ready just let me know and I will deal with it." Alexa tells her causing Violet to laugh.
"Thanks A. But I don't think he wants to talk to me either. The way things ended you both got heart broken. And to be honest I don't think their is anyway to come back from that." Violet explains looking down again.
"I'm sensing we are not talking about Alec anymore." Alexa tells her.
"No we are. Who else would it be?" Violet says.
That was all a lie though. She wasn't talking about Alec anymore. She was talking about Brian.
"You sure?" Alexa asks.
"Yep I'm sure." Violet says as they make it to a coffee shop. "Let's go get a drink."
"Ok." Alexa says before they walk into the coffee shop.
They order and get there drinks before getting a table in the corner of the room.
"I'll be. Right back I am just going to pop to the loo." Violet says before getting up and walking away.

Violet comes back and has her drink and talks with Alexa. While she is drinking her drink however she starts to feel light headed.
"You ok?" Alexa asks.
"Yeah. I just am feeling a bit lightheaded." Violet says putting her hand on her head while her elbow is resting on the table.
"Do you want to go home? I can get a taxi to come pick us up." Alexa says.
"Yeah. Please." Violet says as her eyes start to feel heavy.
Alexa calls a taxi before helping Violet outside. The taxi soon pulls up and Alexa helps Violet into the car and gets in herself before telling the driver Violet's address.

Once they get to Violet's house Alexa pays the driver before helping Violet out of the car. They walk in a Alexa helps Violet to her room before Violet passes out on the bed.
Alexa messages Blake before leaving.

After a few hours Violet wakes up still feeling awful. She sits up as Blake walks into the room.
"Blake what are you doing here? Where's Alexa?" Violet asks.
"Alexa had to go somewhere but she asked me to come and look after you." Blake says. "Do you know what happened?"
"No clue. I was just drinking my drink and then I felt really light headed." Violet explains.
"Was there something in you drink?" Blake asks as he sits down on the bed.
"Not as far as I know." Violet says.
"Are you sure? Because Alexa found this. It fell out of you bag." Blake says showing Violet a medicine bottle with drugs in.
"What!" Violet asks grabbing them out of Blake's hand. "I have never seen these in my life."
"Then what are they doing in your bag? How did they get in there?" Blake asks.
"I don't know. But I swear I have never seen them." Violet says.
"Maybe you don't remember putting them in your bag. You must have put it in you drink. To make you feel like this." Blake says.
"I swear if that happened I would remember it." Violet says.
"I think you need to rest. We will talk about this later." Blake says before getting up and leaving the room.
Violet sat in her bed looking at the bottle of drugs in her hands before her phone goes off. She looks to see a message for the number that has been tormenting her for years.

"Poor Violet, you really are a Toretto at heart. No matter how hard you try to not to. You may think you don't act like one but you do. You'll soon be all alone. Good luck."

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