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It had been a couple weeks and the group had been to loads of places

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It had been a couple weeks and the group had been to loads of places. Today they were going back home. Bethany, Alec and Jason all decided to go back a couple weeks ago so they were already back. Violet and Alec haven't really talked but everyone was trying to convince them to. Alec wanted to fix things but Violet didn't want to. She just wasn't ready to do so and everyone including Alec understood that.

It was the morning and Violet was about to get the group coffee for the long day ahead. When she was about to leave Blake walked into the hotel lobby.
"Hey Vi." Blake says.
"Hey Blake. What you doing up so early?" Violet asks.
"I was just about to go for a walk. What about you?" Blake asks.
"Well I was going to get coffee for everyone. Seeing as we have a 4 or 5 hours drive back home today." Violet tells him.
"Well I'll come with you." Blake says. "I was going on a walk anyway as I said."
"Ok. Let's go. Before the others wake up." Violet says before Blake nods then the two leave the hotel lobby.

They make it to the coffee shop and order the drinks before going over to the wall and waiting for their order to be ready.
"So you excited to go home?" Blake asks.
"Yeah. I miss sleeping in my own bed. The only downside is that Alec is there and I'm still not ready to talk to him not after everything that happened." Violet explains.
"You don't have to talk to him if you aren't ready. Everyone will understand." Blake tells her causing her to smile.
"Thanks Blake." Violet says.
"No problem Vi." Blake replies before they are called to go get their drinks.

They pair make there way back to the hotel to see Ivy, Charlotte and Samuel sitting in the lobby.
"Hey guys." Violet says as her and Blake walk over to the three.
"Hey. Where did you two wonder off to?" Charlotte asks the pair.
"Seeing as we have a long day ahead we got coffee." Blake says as him and Violet hold up the coffee holders.
"I swear you are obsessed with coffee." Ivy says looking at Violet.
"I'm can't help the fact that coffee is amazing." Violet says causing everyone to laugh. "Anyway here is your guys coffee."
Violet and Blake their coffee as the others come into the lobby as well.
"Hey guys." Toby says.
"Hey. We got coffee for everyone." Blake says pointing to the table where the cups of coffee was.
"Thanks guys." Ava says as they all pick a coffee and have a sip.
"So what time are we leaving?" Violet asks.
"We have told you multiple times, Vi." Layla says with a laugh.
"I have slept since then." Violet points out causing everyone to roll there eyes at her.
"We are leaving in 3 hours." Charlotte tells her causing Violet to smile and nod.
"Thanks. I better go up and pack." Violet says before leaving and going up to her room.

After a couple of hours the group all meet up in the lobby with their bags.
"Well seeing as we are all ready and the bus is outside shall we go?" Ivy asks. "It's only a hour earlier then we were planning."
"I agree. Let's go the sooner we leave the sooner we can get home." Violet says.
"Ok then let's get on the road." Lucas says before they all grab their bags and head outside to the bus.
The driver helps them but there bags in the bottom part of the bus before they all get on.

After a few hours the are all back at Violet's. They decided to spend the night there as one last night before going back to their regular lives. They spend the evening watching movies and eating pizza and overall laughing and having a good time.

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