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-Getting kicked out/disowned

George's POV

I sat on my bed with my friend and he smiled at me as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

We had secretly been friends for a while now since our parents hated each other. I really cared about him and we spent a lot of time together. He often snuck in through my window because of the past. Ever since he dared me to steal something, his parents hated him and his parents for letting it happen.

Cameron smiled at me. 'George, can I talk to you about something?'

I nodded at him and looked back, waiting for him to start talking.

'I was wondering when you're going to tell your parents about us,' he whispered with a questioning tone in his voice.

I shrugged. 'I just don't dare to yet, I don't know how they will reply and I'd like to wait a bit longer with it if I'm honest,' I admitted, staring at my hands in silence.

'Are you ashamed of me?' Cameron asked as his arm slipped away from my shoulders.

I sadly looked at his arm and then shrugged it off, looking at him. 'I'm not ashamed of you, I just don't know how they will reply and it might be bad. I don't want to lose you, but I'm afraid I will when I tell them.'

He nodded slowly and became quiet for a little, looking down at his hands. I held my breath and waited for him to continue talking as he sighed and looked back up.

'Fine, I understand. Are you going to tell them one day?' he questioned.

'Yeah,' I nodded. 'But I'm just too scared at the moment.'

'Alright,' Cameron mumbled with another sigh after that.

He pulled me closer again and then laid down on my bed together as I closed my eyes since I was tired. He ran his hand through my hair as I fell asleep.

~ 2 months later ~

I greeted Cameron and stood away from him, signing that my parents were inside so he couldn't come in now and had to go through the window, but he rolled his eyes instead. He immediately grabbed my hand to pull me outside and sighed.

'When are you going to tell them, George? I'm losing my patience now.'

'I'm not ready, I don't know how-...'

'They will reply,' he finished my sentence with a sigh.

'Is it okay? Can I just do it on my own time?' I asked in a high pitched and scared voice.

'You don't care about me. I don't want to continue this with you if they don't know about it. Either you are telling them today or I am, so you can choose,' he scoffed, walking inside.

'No-! I'm not ready,' I yelled as he shook his head.

'Then I'll tell them,' he answered, walking up to my mother.

My mother froze as she looked at him and then looked at me with a shocked and confused face. 'Why are you here? Can you immediately leave my house?'

'Actually, can we talk?' Cameron asked as he looked at my mother. She put her cup of tea down and nodded while I grabbed Cameron's hand and tried to stop him.

He shrugged my hand off and sighed softly.

'You know, George and I are...' he started, looking at my mother.

She looked really mad as she stared at me, looking to Cameron after that with the angriest face I had ever seen.

'I like hanging out George and we are best friends,' Cameron told her with a smile.

'W-what?' she screamed as she looked from me to Cameron. 'You are not supposed to be here!'

'We have been seeing each other for the past months and he found it too difficult to tell you,' he summed up, smiling at me.

I was heartbroken and looked away after giving him a mad look. My mother grabbed my shoulders and then pointed to the door.

'Cameron, get out of here, right now. Don't you ever dare to come back here after what you did!' she screamed.

I hitched a breath and looked at him with a very sad face.

'GET OUT!' she yelled out, having her voice crack after that.

Cameron grabbed my hand and pulled me back a bit. 'I don't want to do this anymore, I'm breaking contact with you,' he whispered as he walked away to go to the door.

'TO YOUR ROOM,' my mother shouted at me as Cameron left.

I quickly ran to the stairs and went up as fast as I could, sitting down on my bed as she followed me with a really angry look.

'Are you lying to me all this time? Are you SERIOUSLY DOING THIS, GEORGE?' she asked with a harsh and screaming tone in her voice.

I stared at my hands and she roughly pushed my chin up.

'ARE. YOU. SERIOUS?' she yelled again, pausing between every word to make sure I'd understand her question.

'I am,' I whispered, pulling my knees up as I felt my eyes getting watery. I sniffed softly as she grabbed my arm and pulled me up.

'Then it's easy, George. Pack your bags, NOW!' she shouted as she pushed me back to my bed.

'W-what? Why?' I mumbled, looking away from her.

'THREE MINUTES, GEORGE. THREE!' her loud voice sounded through the room.

'For what?' I squeaked.

'You're not living with us anymore. I'm kicking you out and you have three minutes to pack your bags and leave this house forever. If I ever see you in front of me again, I will not hesitate and hurt you,' she hissed as he grabbed a bag and threw it at me.

'But...' I started, but she was totally not done with me.


I immediately grabbed the most worthy things. I stared at the picture of me, my mother, my father and my sister and put it in my bag too. I grabbed some of my favourite clothes, worthy accessories I liked and lastly the money I was saving for a gaming PC. At least I knew I would never get that.

I stuffed it all in my bag and looked at my bed, quickly grabbing my stuffed dinosaur and my pillow. Then I walked downstairs and looked at my mum with tears streaming down my face.

'You're kidding, right? This was only to scare me, was it?' I sniffed.

'No, it wasn't. I don't want you here in my house again, you're a gross piece of shit and I'd never want to waste all my money on you,' she exclaimed, pointing at the door.

'Can I at least go this evening and say goodbye to dad and my sister?'

'No, get out right now or I'll literally kick you out,' she replied, standing up.

I nodded heavily and then started running away as fast as I could, ready to sleep on the streets for the upcoming weeks or months. Or maybe even years...

1169 words

George gets kicked out after hanging out with his "friend" he wasn't supposed to see anymore since their parents forbade them to

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