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George's POV

Apparently Clay's parents carried us back to bed since we laid on the floor and I woke up in a bed. I woke up before Clay and heard him call me a while after that.

I opened his door while holding a plate and put it down as Clay smiled. 'Look! I got you some healthy and easy to digest foods,' I smiled, pointing at a cracker with peanut butter, a cup of soup and a banana. 'Just eat what you can.'

'I might be full very fast, but thank you so much,' Clay giggled as he grabbed the cracker I cut in twenty pieces. He grabbed the first bite and I laid with him.

'Eat slowly, okay?' I cuddled up with him as Clay chewed on the small piece at least twenty times.

He ate three other pieces and then grabbed the soup, drinking a few very small sips of it.

'How are you feeling?' he whispered as he put the cup down.

'I feel good actually, I slept from six to one, had lunch and a snack and then you woke up. How is your stomach?'

He lowered the sheets. 'It's still bloated, but I feel way better than yesterday night.'

He unpeeled the banana and grinned as he stuck it into his mouth.

'I'm never giving you bananas again,' I sighed.

He put it back into his mouth and I rolled my eyes. 'You're so cool, you can stick it very far. Now eat it,' I giggled.

He grinned and ate a small bite of the banana, laying it down again.

It took him one hour to finish the food and I just cuddled with him meanwhile. Clay was drinking a lot of water so he wouldn't get dehydrated.

~ The Next Day ~

I was nervously sitting at the table with Clay. I was going to school for the first time again and because I was this nervous I couldn't get anything swallowed.

Clay wanted to come with me but since his stomach hadn't been doing too great the last few days, I told him to stay home since he couldn't follow the classes anyway.

'George,' he sighed. 'Maybe I can come with you and then just sit in the cantina so I can see you every time in between classes and during the break.'

'But your stomach,' I mumbled.

'I'll get tube feeding today,' he smiled as he jumped up. 'I really want to come with you! I can meet your classmates and maybe someone will like me too.'

'Aww,' I giggled because of his enthusiasm. He smiled brightly and ran to the fridge to get his feeding.

'I won't make weird jokes around others,' he nodded. 'I will be very kind so people will like you and me too.'

He started packing his bag and looked at his clothes with a sad face. 'Are you ashamed of me?' he whispered as he looked up and pointed to his shirt and sweats. 'I should change.'

He was about to pull off the sticker from his tube as I grabbed his hand. 'Stop! I'm not ashamed of you at all. You can be who you want to be and I'm not stopping that.'

'But I don't want to be stupid,' he sniffed.

'You aren't stupid at all. Just stay the way you are and I will like you the most.'

'Can I tell people that I'm gay?'

'You can tell people everything, I'd only like you to not tell them about my situation.'

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